Update by Brandon Adler, Lead Producer
Hello, everyone. It has been a little while since our last update to our backers and there have been some important developments (and additional goodies) of which I'd like to make you all aware.
Additional Time for Polish and Feedback
Through your help and feedback, the Pillars of Eternity team has spent the past two years creating a fun, fulfilling experience. An open development has enabled us to interact with our fans and backers in a way we weren't able to in the past, and this has really helped shape Eternity into a game that we all hoped it would become. Plus, with the Backer Beta, we have been able to get excellent feedback from our backers that we are using to shape Eternity into an even better game. We really can't thank you enough.
To incorporate as much feedback as possible, polish every nook and cranny of the game, and make sure we don't ship a buggy game, Obsidian has decided to push the game's release into early next year. We are going to use the extra time to make Eternity shine for our backers, and a game that we were proud to call our own and would live up to your expectations.
Once again, we want to thank you for making this all possible. With your help we can bring Eternity across the finish line.
Speaking of Backer Beta
We are hard at work implementing feedback and bugfixing items in the Backer Beta. One of the major focuses for the team over the past few weeks was adding in additional character progression options and cleaning up UI to make combat a little less chaotic.
You can expect everything from additional Talents and Ability selection choices to UI and HUD improvements in our next update. We are also very close to getting the Mac and Linux versions of the Backer Beta to you guys. It may even make it into the next Beta update.
In fact, here is one of the Backer Beta requested UI changes - Infinity Engine-style targeting reticles.

Physical Replacement for Documentary DVDs and Blu-rays
A while back we mentioned that we were going to be removing the documentary DVDs and Blu-rays as physical rewards because we would be unable to include the end of production so the discs could be pressed in time for delivery. The documentary will now only available as a download through the backer portal.
To compensate we have created a brand new memo-style notepad for those backers that would have received a physical version of the disc. Here are a couple of pages from the Pillars of Eternity themed notepad.

Plea for Surveys
Even though we have locked down backer rewards on the portal, we are still able to add in memorial and credit text into the game. If you have memorials or backer credits, and you haven't filled out your survey, please head over to the backer portal and fill them out.
Italian Localizations
Many of our Italian-speaking backers asked for us to include them in the list of languages we were localizing for the game. After speaking with Paradox about the issue it was decided that we would include Italian localizations. For those folks that have access to the Backer Beta, they should see Italian languages options (and corresponding translations) as soon as our next update.

What do you get when you mix turn-based combat, rogue-like inspired features, and giant armored machines? BEDLAM! Check out this new Kickstarter by our friends at Skyshine Games and get into the post-apocalyptic fun. It is inspired by games like Banner Saga, FTL, and XCOM. How can you go wrong?