General audio data for abilities.
Name /type | Description /example |
SharedAbilitySoundBank String (Wwise audio bank) | Sound bank with ability sounds that are used repeatedly (always loaded). |
CastTimeParam String | Parameter to set to normalized cast time remaining value"" |
Audio events related to an ability.
Name /type | Description /example |
BeginCastingAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Begin casting audio event.[] |
CastingAudioEvents LoopingSoundEvent[] | Audio event that plays for duration of casting animation.[] |
ActivateCasterAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Activate audio event (ability launched OR toggle ability toggled on) at caster's position.[] |
ActivateTargetAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Activate audio event (ability launched OR passive toggle toggled on) at target's position.[] |
HitAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Hit audio event (per target).[] |
ImpactAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Impact audio event[] |
ActiveAudioEvents LoopingSoundEvent[] | Audio event that plays while ability is active (toggle ability toggled on, active beam, OR active projectile).[] |
PulseAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Area of effect pulse audio event.[] |
BounceAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Bounce audio event fired whenever a projectile is redirected by a wall.[] |
DeactivateAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Deactivate audio event (toggle ability toggled off, beam ends, OR projectile ends).[] |
ScriptedInteractionAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Audio event called when the user selects this ability during a scripted interaction.[] |
ApplyToSingleProjectile Boolean | Whether the audio should play on only a single spawned projectile or all spawned projectiles."true" |
Modifications that can be made to an ability.
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (AbilityModType) | The kind of modification to perform."AdditionalUse" |
Value Single | The amount to modify the ability by based on type of ability mod.0 |
StatusEffectsIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | The additional status effects to apply to the ability.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
ReplacedVisualEffects ReplacedVisualEffect[] | Swap out current visual effects with new ones.[] |
Holds global data related to abilities.
Name /type | Description /example |
BasePhraseRecitation Single | Base length (in seconds) of the recitation for chanter phrases.0 |
BasePhraseLinger Single | Base length (in seconds) of the linger for chanter phrases.0 |
ChantRadius Single | The radius (in meters) of a chant or phrase.0 |
AbilityBaseAccuracyPerAbilityLevel Int32 | All non-weapon abilities recieve this much additional accuracy per level of the ability (not level 1).2 |
AbilityBasePenetrationPerAbilityLevel Single | All non-weapon abilities recieve this much additional penetration per level of the ability (not level 1).0.5 |
EmpoweredWeaponAccuracyBonus Single | Bonus to apply to accuracy when attacking with an empwoerd weapon attack ability.0 |
EmpoweredWeaponPenetrationBonus Single | Bonus to apply to penetration when attacking with an empowerd weapon attack ability.0 |
NotReadyData WhyNotReadyData[] | Contains data on each Not Ready flag.[] |
DefaultMultiProjectileScaling GenericAbilityLevelScaling | Default scale settings for an ability with multiple projectiles. |
DefaultBounceScaling GenericAbilityLevelScaling | Default scale settings for an ability with bounces. |
DefaultEffectScaling GenericAbilityLevelScaling | Default scale settings for an ability with damage or status effects with a duration. |
DefaultWeaponAttackScaling GenericAbilityLevelScaling | Default scale settings for a weapon attack ability. |
DefaultFallbackScaling GenericAbilityLevelScaling | Default scale settings for an ability to which none of the other settings apply. |
OpposedKeywords KeywordPair[] | Collection of keyword pairs that counter each other.[] |
FizzleEffect String | The visual effect to spawn when a spell cast is abandoned."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
FizzleAttachPoint String (EffectAttachType) | The place to attach the fizzle visual effect."Chest" |
Name /type | Description /example |
AchievementAPIName String | The string id of the achievement sent to Steam/Xbox/etc. Must match what those APIs are looking for."" |
Contains data for inflicting an affliction.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, abilities table) | The display name of this affliction.0 |
Icon String | The icon for this affliction."GUI/Icons/*. |
AfflictionTypeID Guid (AfflictionTypeGameData) | The category of afflictions this one belongs to."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
IsThinUI Boolean | If set, UI will not bundle the effects of this affliction."false" |
One category of effect that belong to an affliction.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, afflictions table) | The display name of this affliction category.0 |
Icon String | Icon representing this affliction type."GUI/Icons/Keywords/*. |
AssociatedAttributeID Guid (AttributeGameData) | The attribute associated with this affliction type."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
HardCountersTypeID Guid (AfflictionTypeGameData) | Any affliction of this type will automatically cleanse any affliction of the specified type."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AfflictionsIDs Guid[] (AfflictionGameData) | Member afflictions, in order of increasing severity.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
The parameters for issuing a command to an NPC.
Name /type | Description /example |
MaxUses Int32 | The maximum number of times an NPC can issue the action. If the value is 0, uses are unlimited.0 |
CooldownTime Single | The amount of time in seconds that the NPC must wait between uses.0 |
AllowedMovementToTarget String (AllowedMovementToTargetType) | The permitted movement the attacker is allowed to use in order to get in range of his target."MoveWithinRange" |
AbilityID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | The ability to use when executing this action."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ItemID Guid (ConsumableGameData) | The inventory item to use to execute the action."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
UseObject Guid (Instance ID) | The game object to interact with in the scene."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
WeaponSetSwitchType String (WeaponSetSwitchType) | Which weapon set, if any, to switch to."None" |
ContainsInvalidGuids Boolean | PROGRAMMERS ONLY. Set programmatically if guids use incompatible packages."false" |
Finish an attack animation. This state can be interrupted and the attack is still considered finished.
Begin an attack animation.
Name /type | Description /example |
IsSecondaryAttack Boolean | Indicates whether a secondary attack is being cast instead of primary (used for Full Attacks)."false" |
Custom data appended to AI behavior data objects.
Name /type | Description /example |
DebugName String | The display name of the AI behavior when in debug mode."" |
BehaviorType String (AIBehaviorType) | The type of behavior that can be used with conditionals."None" |
Priority String (AIStatePriority) | The priority of the behavior. Smaller priorities are not allowed to be pushed on higher priority behaviors."Normal" |
CanBeCancelledByUser Boolean | Specifies if the player can interrupt the behavior."false" |
AllowsQueueing Boolean | If this is the current behavior, can other behaviors be queued underneith this behavior"true" |
CanBeQueuedIfLowerPriority Boolean | If the priority of this behavior is lower than the current behavior, should the behavior be queued instead"true" |
InCombatBehavior String (CombatBehaviorType) | Indicates if the NPC is considered in combat when in this behavior or to use the global combat state."NotInCombat" |
StopMovementOnEnter Boolean | When entering the behavior, force the character to end pathing movement."true" |
AIParamsType String (AIParamsType) | The type of run time parameters to use with the behavior."Position" |
CanEngage Boolean | Can the character engage enemies while in this behavior?"false" |
Begin a cast animation.
Name /type | Description /example |
IsSecondaryAttack Boolean | Indicates whether a secondary attack is being cast instead of primary (used for Full Attacks)."false" |
A character is pathing to location or object. Keeps track of kiting and decision tree re-evaluation conditions.
Name /type | Description /example |
Retreating Boolean | Whether the character is moving to its retreat position."false" |
AbortIfImmobile Boolean | If set, the character will exit this state if they are immobile."false" |
Combat Wait State
Name /type | Description /example |
WaitForDuration Boolean | If true, character will only wait for specified duration. Otherwise, waits indefinitely."false" |
WaitDuration Single | If "WaitForDuration" is set to true, character will only wait for this duration.0 |
Consume Potion AI State
Cower in current position.
AI Customization Conditionals
Name /type | Description /example |
Conditionals PlayerUsableScript[] | List of premade conditionals available to the player for AI Custimization[] |
The character plays a death animation and lies on the ground.
Custom data appended to AI decision tree data objects.
Name /type | Description /example |
DebugName String | The display name of the AI decision tree when in debug mode."" |
CharacterClassID Guid (CharacterClassGameData) | The character class which may use the decision tree."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | Name that will appear when selecting decision trees.0 |
DisplayDescription Int32 (string id, gui table) | Description which will appear when selecting decision trees.0 |
AI State for dialogue
AI node to play an emerge animation.
AI state for character to lurk before playing emerge anim.
Falling AI State
Flee to position or object.
Flee To Guard AI State
Follow AI State
Name /type | Description /example |
ArrivalDistance Single | Arrival distance from summoner.2 |
WalkDistanceSq Single | Forced to walk when less than this distance from summoner.9 |
RunDistanceSq Single | Forced to run when greater than this distance from summoner.49 |
Interact with objects on the NPC's daily schedule.
Grabbed AI State
Grapple AI State
Grapple Intro AI State
Grapple Miss AI State
Grapple Release AI State
Ground Impact AI State
The character has been struck and is playing a hit reaction animation.
Idle AI State
Inactive AI State
In Use AI State
Jump AI State
Knocked Down AI State
Launched AI State
A character is pathing to location or object.
Name /type | Description /example |
MovementType String (MovementType) | The way the charater will move while pathing."Run" |
RequiresLOS Boolean | Whether the mover requires line of sight to the destination before it stops."false" |
ShowDestinationCircle Boolean | If true, a UI circle will be rendered at the location to move to."false" |
AbortIfImmobile Boolean | If set, the character will exit this state if they are immobile."false" |
Move character to waypoint.
Paralyzed AI State
Pet Fidget AI State
Name /type | Description /example |
AnimationType String (AnimationType) | The kind of animation to play."None" |
Variation Int32 | The animation variation to play. Example: Animation Type Attack with Variation 3 plays the attack animation with ID 3.0 |
Pet Follow AI State
Name /type | Description /example |
RunDistanceSq Single | Pet will run if summoner is greater than this distance away.36 |
ArrivalDistance Single | Arrival distance from summoner.1.5 |
Pet Idle AI State
Pet Investigate AI State
AI state for playing an animation on a character.
Name /type | Description /example |
AnimationType String (AnimationType) | The kind of animation to play."None" |
Variation Int32 | The animation variation to play. Example: Animation Type Attack with Variation 3 plays the attack animation with ID 3.0 |
Loop Boolean | If checked, the animation will loop continuously."false" |
Play Reaction AI State
Name /type | Description /example |
ReactionType String (ReactionType) | The kind of reaction to play."None" |
PlayOnce Boolean | Whether the reaction will play once and then stop (loops otherwise)."true" |
This will end execution of the current behavior and begin execution of the previous behavior on the stack.
Component used for AI pursuit without attack actions.
Name /type | Description /example |
TriggerDistance Single | Distance that the AI should trigger upon getting this distance from their target.2.5 |
TetherDistance Single | Distance from the AI's last point of normal behavior, to which the AI should give up pursuit and return.25 |
This will push a new behavior on the stack.
Name /type | Description /example |
Behavior String | The AI behavior to push on the behavior stack and perform."AI/AIBehaviors/Idle.aibehavior" |
PassTargetObject Boolean | If true, pass the current target object to the new behavior."false" |
PassTargetPosition Boolean | If true, pass the current target position to the new behavior."false" |
PassCurrentAction Boolean | If true, pass the current action to the new behavior."false" |
ReplaceCurrentBehavior Boolean | Whether to replace the current behavior with the new behavior or push the new behavior on top of the current behavior."false" |
Pushed Back AI State
The action to perform when current action is complete.
Parameters for modifying weather air conditions.
Name /type | Description /example |
AirConditionType String (AirConditionType) | Air condtions (none, fog, dust, or ash)."None" |
AirConditionStrengthType String (WeatherStrengthType) | Strength of air conditions."Inactive" |
AirConditionsStrength Single | Air conditions strength (on a scale of 0 to 1).0 |
The character plays a reload animation.
An empty AI node for adding scripts.
The character will choose an action to perform from his decision tree.
Name /type | Description /example |
ReevaluatePrimaryAttack Boolean | If marked as true, only selects a primary attack action (doesn't evaluate decision tree)."false" |
Global settings for AI.
Name /type | Description /example |
MaxTargetingSearchDistance Single | When finding a target to perform an action on, search for potential targets within this distance.20 |
RequestHelpOriginArrivalRadius Single | Whenever an NPC is notified of nearby combat, it will path towards the enemy's original position while scanning for targets. It will give up once it gets within this distance.0 |
RequestHelpShoutRangePathingScalar Single | Whenever an NPC shouts for help, every NPC that is within its shout range will calculate a path to the shouter. If the path distance is shorter than ShoutRange * ThisScalar, then the NPC will react to the shout.1.5 |
RequestHelpShoutInterval Single | Whenever an NPC is chasing a target, it will shout to allies intermittenly using this interval. Only NPCs whose target is forced hostile will do this since perception will take care of everything else.2 |
PartyMemberIsNearCombatDistance Single | A party member is considered in combat if they are within this distance of a hostile NPC who is in combat.20 |
AIScheduleFastForwardPositionInterpolationTime Single | When loading a scene and fast forwarding AI schedule positions, if the current time is within this time buffer(in hours) then interpolate the NPCs position from its previous interaction object to its current one.0.5 |
AIScheduleFastForwardPositionMovementSpeed Single | When loading a scene and fast forwarding AI schedule positions, move the NPC at this speed(meters per second) between its previous and current interaction objects.2 |
DefendSelfAutoAttackSearchDistance Single | Distance to search for potential targets when using defend self auto attack.4.5 |
DefensiveAutoAttackSearchDistance Single | Distance to search for potential targets when using defensive auto attack.7 |
AggressiveAutoAttackSearchDistance Single | Distance to search for potential targets when using aggressive auto attack.20 |
DecisionTreeTargetingPreviousTargetDistanceThreshold Single | A decision tree results in multiple potential targets, one of which is the character's previous target. The previous target will be chosen over the closest potential target if it is up to this parameter distance further.0.5 |
ActionReevaluationInterval Single | While moving, the decision tree action will be re-evaluated at this interval.1 |
RetreatOutOfCombatTime Single | After reatreating for this amount of time, the character will be considered out of combat.1 |
PrimaryAttackReevaluationInterval Single | Interval at which an NPC's primary attack target is re-evaluated (based on WeaponPreference).0.5 |
MinimumMoverRadius Single | Minimum mover radius, to be used for determining attack arrival distance in AI decision tree.0 |
PartyFormationStartMovementMaxFrameDelay Int32 | Whenever the party is stationary and begins movement, party members will wait a short duration before moving to make it feel more organic. They will wait up to this many frames.0 |
PartyFormationStartMovementFrameTime Single | Whenever the party is stationary and begins movement, party members will wait a short duration before moving to make it feel more organic. They will wait up to "PartyFormationStartMovementFrameTime" * "PartyFormationStartMovementFrameTime" seconds.0 |
PathingBlockedDistanceDifferenceThreshold Single | Minimum difference between "Distance to closest unreachable position" and "Closest possible distance to unreachable position" at which a mover will go into WaitForClearPath.0 |
StationaryInCombatRotationRate Single | Rotation rate (degrees/second) when mover is stationary.960 |
StationaryOutOfCombatRotationRate Single | Rotation rate (degrees/second) when mover is stationary.480 |
MovingRotationRate Single | Rotation rate (degrees/second) when mover is moving.720 |
MovingSubtleRotationRate Single | Subtle rotation rate (degrees/second) when mover is moving.180 |
MovingSubtleRotationThreshold Single | Angle (degrees) at which subtle rotation rate is used.38 |
OffMeshAreaMaxForwardDistance Single | Maximum distance that a character can be from a jump point to use it.1.2 |
OffMeshAreaMaxHorizontalDistance Single | Maximum distance that a character can be from a jump point to use it.0.7 |
OffMeshAreaMaxDestinationOffset Single | Maximum distance that a character can land from the ideal jump destination.0.7 |
JumpTravelTimes Float[] | Travel time for each jump animation variation.[] |
BlockingDoorMaxWaitDuration Single | Maximum time an NPC will wait for a blocking door to open.0 |
AutomaticDoorCloseTime Single | Whenever an NPC opens a door to pass through it, the door will automatically close after this amount of time passed and the NPC is far enough away from the door.38 |
SearchTetherTime Single | If there are no potential targets, the NPC will go after its previous target until it has searched for this amount of time.0 |
KiteTargetNearMinimumDistance Single | If an NPC's target is outside of tether range, it will be considered to be kiting if it is further than this distance away from the NPC.0 |
KiteTargetFarMinimumDistance Single | If an NPC's target is within tether range, it will be considered to be kiting if it is further than this distance away from the NPC.0 |
KiteTargetIgnoreDuration Single | If an NPC's target is determined to be kiting, it will be ignore for this duration.0 |
RetreatMinimumDistance Single | Whenever AI decides to retreat, it will only move towards its retreat position if it is further away than this distance.0 |
ThreatTrackingDuration Single | Time that an AI will remember damage from an enemy in combat.10 |
LevelThreatModifier Single | Modifier for level scaling of a target's base threat level.1 |
DamageThreatModifier Single | Modifier for the damage value for a target's threat level1 |
RangeThreatModifier Single | Modifier for range value for a target's threat level.1 |
PreviousTargetThreatThreshold Single | Scalar threshold that a target's threat must pass before switching targets1 |
TargetScanMinimumCombatDelay Single | Minimum delay after acquiring a target through perception scanning before an AI engages in combat.0 |
TargetScanMaximumCombatDelay Single | Maximum delay after acquiring a target through perception scanning before an AI engages in combat.0 |
DefaultHoldTime Single | Default hold time for party AI after issuing a move command.5 |
MovingBufferDistance Single | 5 |
CombatMoveSpeedMatchDistance Single | Distance from target destination that AI will match speeds with the target in combat if target is slower.1.5 |
InvisibleWaitTime Single | Time an AI will wait before selecting its next action if it is invisible or stealthed.2 |
The character is playing a stand up animation.
Stunned AI State
Switch weapon sets.
The properties to add to each targeting node in a decision tree.
Name /type | Description /example |
TargetingFilter String (AutoTargetingType) | The high level filter to apply when searching for targets to auto attack."Hostile" |
IgnoreAbilityTargetingRequirements Boolean | If checked, any targeting preferences and targeting conditionals placed on an ability will not be executed."false" |
IgnoreAbilityPrerequisites Boolean | If checked, all ability prerequisites are ignored."false" |
AI Targeting Preference
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayString Int32 (string id, gui table) | 0 |
TargetingPreference PreferencesOnly | |
SupportedTargetingFiltersIDs Guid[] (CustomAITargetingFilterGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Terrified AI State
A party member play a knowdown animation and lies on the ground.
The character will play the animation attached to a waypoint.
Name /type | Description /example |
UseAsPatrolPoint Boolean | If true, the waypoint is part of a patrol. The character will use the waypoint for a set time, then move to the next waypoint."false" |
Wait AI State
Wait Duration AI State
Name /type | Description /example |
Duration Single | Time to wait.0 |
Wait For Clear Path AI State
Component data for playing ambient animations.
Name /type | Description /example |
Controller String | Animation controller to use for this ambient animation."Art/*. |
ExitTime Single | The time it will take before the target to "exit" the waypoint (for animations).0 |
ClearProps Boolean | Whether or not to clear all the props when finished with this ambient controller."true" |
ShowPropsOnInstant Boolean | Whether or not to show all the props whenever the character starts mid-animation at the beginning of the scene."true" |
PropsID Guid (PropInfoGameData) | Reference to prop data."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
KithAnimation Boolean | If this is selected, then the ambient animation will make sure the character has a valid NPC appearance in order to play."true" |
ValidCreatureRigID Guid (CreatureRigTypeGameData) | The rig type that this animation data is valid for"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
HideWeapons String (WeaponHideType) | Condition for hiding weapons while playing this ambient animation."Held" |
AnimationConversationSetting String (AmbientAnimationConversationSetting) | "MaintainAndDontFace" |
DisableStealthDetection Boolean | If set, the character using this ambient animation will not perform stealth detection."false" |
Custom states for dynamic ambient music.
Name /type | Description /example |
CustomStates AmbientMusicCustomDynamicState[] | Custom states for dynamic ambient music.[] |
Default states for dynamic ambient music.
Name /type | Description /example |
States AmbientMusicDynamicStateItem[] | Default states for dynamic ambient music.[] |
Collection of Anchor Point Attachments
Name /type | Description /example |
AnchorPointAttachmentList AnchorPointAttachmentItem[] | List of anchor point attachment items[] |
Collection of AI events and corresponding audio events
Name /type | Description /example |
AnimationAIAudioEvents AnimationAIAudioItem[] | collection of AI events and their corresponding audio events[] |
Collection of animation events and the corresponding audio events
Name /type | Description /example |
AnimationAudioEvents AnimationAudioItem[] | collection of animation events and their corresponding audio events[] |
Settings for default animation controllers.
Name /type | Description /example |
RaceOverrides AnimationRaceOverride[] | Overrides to use for controllers based on race.[] |
Animation event settings for use in the Animation Event Editor
Name /type | Description /example |
AnimationEventProperties AnimationEventProperties[] | Animation event properties for each animation type[] |
Values for animation stances
Name /type | Description /example |
Value Int32 | The parameter value for this animation stance.0 |
Appearance Variation Settings
Name /type | Description /example |
SubraceSkinVariationTags SubraceAppearanceVariation[] | [] |
Whenever the owner does at least a certain amount of damage to an enemy, this ability automatically casts at that enemy.
Name /type | Description /example |
Threshold Single | An attack must do this much damage to trigger the ability.10 |
Contains a list of encounters that will be referenced by artifacts.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The display name of the category.0 |
Description Int32 (string id, gui table) | The description of the category.0 |
Priority Int32 | Arena selection UI will order the categories based on priority. Sorts acendinglow to high. Categories with the same priority are ordered alphabetically.0 |
Works along side the World Map Encounter to generate Arena Encounter data
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The display name of this arena encounter0 |
Description Int32 (string id, gui table) | The description of this arena encounter.0 |
CategoryID Guid (ArenaCategoryGameData) | The Category this encounter belongs to."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
WinScripts ConditionalAndScripts | Scripts launched when the player wins the encounter |
RewardLootListID Guid (LootListGameData) | List of rewards that a player can possible earn for completing an arena fight."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Singleton for Arena Encounter lookups
Name /type | Description /example |
ArenaEncounterListIDs Guid[] (WorldMapEncounterGameData) | List of Arena Encounters["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Armor stats.
Name /type | Description /example |
ArmorRating Single | The armor's rating (opposed by the attack's Penetration Rating)5 |
SpeedFactor Single | The wearer's recovery times are divided by this (lower means slowed recovery).1 |
ArmorCategory String (ArmorCategory) | Needs Description."Light" |
ArmorMaterial String (ArmorMaterial) | Needs Description."None" |
LevelScaling ArmorLevelScaling | Scales damage thresholds based on the wearer's character level. |
OverridePierceRating Single | If >=0, overrides the Armor Rating against Pierce attacks.-1 |
OverrideSlashRating Single | If >=0, overrides the Armor Rating against Slash attacks.-1 |
OverrideCrushRating Single | If >=0, overrides the Armor Rating against Crush attacks.-1 |
OverrideBurnRating Single | If >=0, overrides the Armor Rating against Burn attacks.-1 |
OverrideFreezeRating Single | If >=0, overrides the Armor Rating against Freeze attacks.-1 |
OverrideShockRating Single | If >=0, overrides the Armor Rating against Shock attacks.-1 |
OverrideCorrodeRating Single | If >=0, overrides the Armor Rating against Corrode attacks.-1 |
ImmunityPierce Boolean | Does this armor provide immunity against Pierce damage?"false" |
ImmunitySlash Boolean | Does this armor provide immunity against Slash damage?"false" |
ImmunityCrush Boolean | Does this armor provide immunity against Crush damage?"false" |
ImmunityBurn Boolean | Does this armor provide immunity against Burn damage?"false" |
ImmunityFreeze Boolean | Does this armor provide immunity against Freeze damage?"false" |
ImmunityShock Boolean | Does this armor provide immunity against Shock damage?"false" |
ImmunityCorrode Boolean | Does this armor provide immunity against Corrode damage?"false" |
Art Settings
Name /type | Description /example |
InteriorLightProbeScalar Single | Light probe SH values will be scaled by this amount for interior scenes.1 |
ExteriorLightProbeScalar Single | Light probe SH values will be scaled by this amount for exterior scenes.1 |
An attack that affects characters within a given radius.
Name /type | Description /example |
BlastSize String (BlastSize) | Preset values for blast size. Characters within this distance will be affected by the attack."Medium" |
BlastRadiusOverride Single | Overide raidus for blast size value.5 |
DamageAngle Single | Characters within this angle of the attacker's heading will be affected.360 |
ExcludePrimaryTarget Boolean | If true, do not apply attack effects of the target of the attack."false" |
IgnoreParentTarget Boolean | If this attack is a child effect, then it will ignore the parent's target object."false" |
ExcludeSelf Boolean | If true, this attack will not consider the caster as a target. Cones never consider the caster as a target."false" |
BlastPhysicsForce Single | The force to apply to rigid bodies from the explosion.500 |
PushFromCaster Boolean | By default, push effects from Push Distance use the AOE center as a reference point. Checking this will use the caster's position instead."false" |
Attack Aura
Name /type | Description /example |
Duration Single | How long the attack lasts.0 |
VisualEffect String | The effect to spawn for the duration of the aura attack."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
EffectAttachMode String (EffectAttachMode) | How this effect will attach when it spawns."Position" |
EffectAttachPoint String (EffectAttachType) | The point the effect will attach to if the projectile is locked onto a target."Ground" |
Scale Boolean | Scale VFX"false" |
Contains the data for performing an attack.
Name /type | Description /example |
KeywordsIDs Guid[] (KeywordGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
AttackDistance Single | The attacker must be within this distance of his target to perform the attack.6 |
MinAttackDistance Single | The attacker must be at least this far away from his target to perform this attack.0 |
AttackVariationID Guid (AttackVariationGameData) | The animation to use for this attack."35abdf41-fc3f-4310-8d5d-5d7da644affc" |
UseParentEquippableHand Boolean | If this attack came from an equippable, pass the offhand parameter of the weapon for animation."false" |
CastSpeedID Guid (CastSpeedGameData) | The duration of the cast animation. This has no effect unless the specified Attack Variation supports Looping."eacb53e3-6eb5-422a-92ca-99cc883ae4a9" |
RecoveryTimeID Guid (RecoveryTimeGameData) | If set, the recovery time of the attack. Otherwise, the animation pre-hit time is used."566840d9-1561-4243-8ca7-889df9869847" |
OverrideTacticalActionType String (TacticalActionType) | Overrides the action type this attack takes in tactical combat modes. Normally, the action type is automatically determined using the Attack Variation and Recovery Time."None" |
ImpactDelay Single | Delay the attack's impact by this amount of time after when it would ordinarily occur (seconds).0 |
ForcedTarget String (AttackForcedTarget) | If set, this attack automatically targets the specified character. Allows child attacks to have to override and have a different target than the parent attack."None" |
AffectedTargetType String (TargetType) | Indicates who is permitted to receive the effects of the attack."All" |
AffectedTargetConditional PrerequisiteData | Additional conditionals a character must meet to be the target of this attack. |
AffectedTargetDeathState String (DeathState) | The death state of the NPC that will be affected by the attack."Alive" |
HostilityOverride String (HostilityType) | Will override the hostility of the attack to be hostile or non-hostile (mostly used for UI and AI targetting)."Default" |
PushDistance Single | The distance targets are moved away from the attacker.0 |
FaceTarget Boolean | If true, the attacker will orient himself to face his current target."true" |
AccuracyBonus Single | Applies an accuracy bonus when the attack is launched.0 |
PenetrationRating Single | The attack's penetration rating (opposed by the target's Armor Rating)7 |
DamageData DamageData | The damage type and damage amount to apply. |
RequiresHitObject Boolean | If checked, the user must target a character with this attack. Otherwise, the user may target a location."false" |
StatusEffectKeywordsIDs Guid[] (KeywordGameData) | All status effects spawned from this attack will use this keyword list unless the status effect has a non-empty keyword list.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
StatusEffectsIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | The status effects to be applied by this attack.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
RandomizeStatusEffect Boolean | Pick a random status effect to apply instead of applying all of them."false" |
CanGraze Boolean | If set, this attack can graze. Otherwise, grazes miss."false" |
CanCrit Boolean | If set, this attack can criticially hit."true" |
DefendedBy String (DefenseType) | Determines what the attack's damage is defended with. Also reveals the enemy's defense."Deflect" |
AfflictionsDefendedBy String (DefenseType) | Determines what the attack's afflictions are defended with. Also reveals the enemy's defense."None" |
AfflictionApplicationModifier String (AfflictionModifier) | When an affliction is applied, does it get downgraded or upgraded on graze or crit?"None" |
SubstituteHitVisualEffect String | An effect that replaces the default slash/crush/pierce visual effect on hit characters."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
VisualEffects AttackBaseVisualEffect[] | List of visual effects applied by the attack on various events.[] |
AttackOnImpactID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | When the attack impacts a target, trigger this attack on the target."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ExtraAttackID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | When the attack triggers its impact, this attack will also impact at the same location."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
LaunchBone String (EffectAttachType) | The bone the attack launches from (used for projectiles and such)."RightWeapon" |
HitBone String (EffectAttachType) | The bone the attack targets (used for projectiles and such)."Chest" |
OnHitShakeDuration String (ScreenShakeType) | How long the camera should shake when the attack launches."None" |
OnHitShakeStrength String (ScreenShakeType) | How violently the camera should shake when the attack launches."None" |
NoiseLevelID Guid (NoiseLevelGameData) | How much noise the attack generates."15743f94-1026-40b0-8e13-a667b3f66f63" |
AllReactNoise Boolean | If set, all characters within range will react to this noise instead of only hostiles."false" |
InterruptsOn String (HitType) | The minimum hit type the attack must get to cause an interrupt."None" |
InterruptType String (HitReactType) | The type of interrupt/hit react to play."Normal" |
TargetAngle Single | The attack will only affect targets within this angle of the attacker's facing.0 |
ApplyOnceOnly Boolean | If true, a target is invalid if it is already under the effects of this attack."false" |
PathsToTarget Boolean | If true, the character will move until in range and then attack. If false, the character will attack in the general direction."true" |
HideFromCombatLog Boolean | If set, the attack will not be displayed in the combat log."false" |
AdditionalAttackOnTooltip Boolean | If set, then any parent attack will try to parse this attack for damage and defense info."false" |
DoesNotApplyDamage Boolean | If true, the attack will not apply to any targets hit with the attack."false" |
TreatAsWeapon Boolean | If set, this attack will be treated as a normal autoattack, even if it isn't (e.g. Bash)"false" |
BounceData BounceAttackData | |
AttackValidityConditional PrerequisiteData | Conditionals to run before resolving an attack to determine if it is valid. |
An attack that casts a beam effect in a given direction.
Name /type | Description /example |
BeamDuration Single | The amount of time the beam lives.10 |
BeamInterval Single | If the interval is greater than 0, the beam will be triggered every time this amount of time passes.0 |
BeamTargets String (TargetType) | Indicates who is damaged by the beam attack."All" |
BeamExcludesMainTarget Boolean | If true, the primary target is not effected by the beam attack."false" |
LoopingBeamVisualEffect String | The visual effect to activate that will be the beam."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
CasterSustainedVisualEffect String | The visual effect to activate on the caster at the beam origin when the attack begins."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
TargetSustainedVisualEffect String | The visual effect to activate at the target when the attack begins."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
BeamEmitterVisualEffect String | Visual Effect that will have its shape stretched to the beam length"Prefabs/Effects/*. |
CasterOffset Single | Offset distance from the launch transform to place the beam origin and caster sustained effect0 |
TargetOffset Single | Offset distance from the target location to place the beam end and target sustained effect0 |
Ranged weapons that require reloading.
Name /type | Description /example |
ClipSize Int32 | The number of attacks that can be launched before needing to reload.10 |
ReloadTime Single | The minimum time to wait before a reload is considered complete.5 |
ReloadAnimationEndTime Single | Time the reload animation should continue playing to finish after looping.1 |
FirearmType String (FirearmType) | The kind of firearm weapon being used."None" |
An attack that grapples and picks up the target.
Name /type | Description /example |
KnockdownTime Single | The time the target should stay knocked down at the end of the grapple.1 |
DamageAttackID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | The attack to run for hits during the grapple. Triggered by AnimEventGrappleHit."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
When the owner attacks a target with an attack targeting a certain defense type, if another specified defense is lower, it attacks that one instead.
Name /type | Description /example |
OriginalDefenseType String (DefenseType) | Attacks targeting this defense type might be changed."Deflect" |
ChangeToDefenseType String (DefenseType) | The defense type to change attacks to, if it's lower."Fortitude" |
Close combat attack.
Name /type | Description /example |
EngagementRadius Single | The distance at which the attack will engage his target. This distance is between the outer radius each character.1 |
IsUnarmed Boolean | Inidicates if the attack is an attack without a weapon."false" |
An attack that is triggerd at a regular interval affecting targets within a given radius.
Name /type | Description /example |
Duration Single | How long the attack lasts.0 |
PulseIntervalRate Single | The rate at which the attack pulses3 |
OneValidTargetPerPulse Boolean | If true, only a single target will be affected by the attack."false" |
PulsedVisualEffect String | The visual effect to play for each attack pulse."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
LingerVisualEffect String | The effect to spawn when the pulsed AOE begins that will last the duration of the attack."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
LingerEffectAttachMode String (EffectAttachMode) | How this effect will attach when it spawns."Position" |
LingerEffectAttachPoint String (EffectAttachType) | The point the effect will attach to if the projectile is locked onto a target."Root" |
Scale Boolean | Scale VFX"false" |
Attack Random AOE
Name /type | Description /example |
RandomAttackID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | The attack to fire on random targets in the AOE."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
RandomTargetStyle String (TargetStyle) | Type to use when picking targets for random attacks."None" |
NumHits Int32 | Amount of times this attack randomly generates an attack.0 |
MaxHitsPerTarget Int32 | MAximum number of times an object targetted attack can hit the same target. 0 is no limit.0 |
A projectile based attack with no reloading.
Name /type | Description /example |
LaunchAttackOnCollision Boolean | Overrides the Attack on Impact field to launch an attack whenever the projectile collides with terrain or bounces off a target."false" |
ProjectileCount Int32 | The number of projectiles to launch.1 |
IgnoreMagicDefense Boolean | If true the attack will ignore all magical defenses on the target."false" |
ProjectileConeAngle Single | Projectiles from the attack are launched at this angle in front of the caster.145 |
ProjectilePrefab String | The projectile to launch from the ranged weapon."prefabs/projectiles/invisible_projectile.prefab" |
IsMultiHit Boolean | If true, after hitting a target, the attack will deflect towards another nearby target."false" |
MultiHitTravelDist Single | The distance the attack can move to its next target.10 |
MultiHitMaxHits Int32 | Max number of hits for a multi hit attack. 0 is no limit.0 |
LaunchSource String (EffectAttachObject) | Source that the projectile will launch from (caster object or target position)."Caster" |
LaunchOffset Vector3 | A flat offset from the launch position for the projectile. Can be combined with Launch Offset Random."000" |
LaunchOffsetRandom Vector3 | A random point will be chosen inside a sphere and scaled by these dimensions, and then applied as an offset to the launch position for the projectile. Can be combined with Launch Offset."000" |
Attack Ranged Horizontal
Name /type | Description /example |
ProjectileHeight Single | The height of the projectile off the ground.1 |
Data for issueing a summon spell.
Name /type | Description /example |
SummonType String (AISummonType) | The kind of summoning to occur."Summoned" |
SummonFileList SummonPath[] | A list of creatures to summon.[] |
SummonDisplayStrings CharacterDatabaseString[] | List of string IDs to display on tooltips.[] |
OnSummonVisualEffect String | The visual effect to activate when the creature is summoned."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
OnDesummonVisualEffect String | The visual effect to activate when the attack ends"Prefabs/Effects/*. |
TeamType String (SummonTeam) | Which team this summon joins. Anything besides the prefab or override team is considered owned by the caster."JoinParty" |
OverrideTeamID Guid (TeamGameData) | If Team Type is set to Override Team, the use this team."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
SummonCopyOfSelf Boolean | If true, a copy of the caster is summoned."false" |
CopyOwnerAbilities Boolean | If true, the ability list of the caster will be added to the ability list of the summon(s)."false" |
CopyWeapons Boolean | If Summon Copy Of Self is set, and this is true, then it will also copy weapons."false" |
Duration Single | The summoned creatures will last for this amount of time.0 |
HasLoot Boolean | If not set, will try to remove any loot components on the prefab."false" |
Attack to summon a random creature.
Name /type | Description /example |
MaxSummons Int32 | The maximum number of creatures to summon.1 |
Component containing data about an attack animation variation.
Name /type | Description /example |
Index Int32 | The index to pass to the animator's Attack parameter.0 |
PerControllerInformation AttackVariationHitTimeEntry[] | Information about this attack animation for each controller that has it.[] |
The attack creates a rectangular area where targets within are affected.
Name /type | Description /example |
WallLength Single | The length of the rectangular attack area.20 |
FromCasterPosition Boolean | By default the wall will form perpendicular to the caster at the cast point. If this is selected, the wall will instead cast from the caster's position towards the cast position."false" |
Holds data on one attribute in the game.
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (AttributeType) | The enum entry corresponding to this attribute. |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The name of the attribute.0 |
ShortName Int32 (string id, gui table) | An abbreviated name for the attribute.0 |
Description Int32 (string id, gui table) | The long description of the skill.0 |
BonusesFormatString Int32 (string id, gui table) | Short format string describing this attribute's bonuses.0 |
TacticalOverrideBonusesFormatString Int32 (string id, gui table) | Short format string describing this attribute's bonuses in turn-based mode.0 |
Icon String | The icon associated with this attribute."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
GlossaryEntryID Guid (GlossaryEntryGameData) | The glossary entry for this attribute."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Base class for audio event lists, has a sound bank
Name /type | Description /example |
SoundBank String (Wwise audio bank) | wwise sound bank containing the audio data |
Settings for the GameAudioManager
Name /type | Description /example |
ResumeAllEvent String (Wwise event) | Event to resume all paused audio |
MixActivateState String | state to activate a mix group"" |
MixDeactivateState String | state to deactivate a mix group"" |
GlobalMusicEvent String (Wwise event) | the global wwise event used to start and stop music |
GlobalMusicStateGroup String | The wwise state group that contains all of the music states"" |
GlobalSoundBank String (Wwise audio bank) | global sound bank to load and persist as long as the audio manager exists |
GlobalMusicBank String (Wwise audio bank) | global music sound bank to load and persist as long as the audio manager exists |
StopAllEmittersEvent String | Event to post when a level unloads that will try to stop all emitters."" |
Contains all the audio data attacked to a scene
Name /type | Description /example |
WeatherAudioID Guid (WeatherAudioGameData) | Weather audio for the scene."26f18a17-345b-49c7-9701-866b208d7ef4" |
DefaultGroundMaterial String (GroundMaterialType) | The default ground material in the scene."Dirt" |
AcousticEnvironments AcousticEnvironmentConditional[] | A collection of conditionalized audio environments[] |
AmbientTracks SoundEventConditional[] | Collection of potential ambient audio effects attached to the scene[] |
EnvironmentMusicTracks AmbientMusicTrackItem[] | Collection of potential ambient music tracks attached to the scene[] |
DynamicAmbientMusicStates DynamicAmbientMusicStateItem[] | Collection of custom dynamic ambient music states.[] |
CombatMusicTracks CombatMusicTrackItem[] | Collection of potential combat music tracks attached to the scene[] |
DynamicCombatMusicStates DynamicCombatMusicStateItem[] | Collection of custom dynamic combat music states.[] |
SoundBanks SoundBankItem[] | Sound banks attached to the scene[] |
An ability that applies its status effects to characters while they are within a range of the caster.
Name /type | Description /example |
AuraRadius Single | The radius of the aura (meters).5 |
ValidTargetTypes String (TargetType) | Which targets inside the radius the ability should apply its effects to."Friendly" |
AffectedTargetConditional PrerequisiteData | Additional conditionals a character must meet to be the target of this attack. |
Contains stats for a given background.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of the background.0 |
SummaryText Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | A short (1-2 sentence) description of this background.0 |
DescriptionText Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized long description of the background.0 |
Icon String | The icon associated with this background."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
SkillsList SkillValue[] | Adjustments for skills[] |
Back Stab Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
ValidRange Single | Enemies with distance less than or equal to ValidRange are viable backstab targets.3 |
(Mod Support) Appends entries to an existing BaseProgressionTableGameData.
Name /type | Description /example |
BaseTableID Guid (BaseProgressionTableGameData) | The table to add the unlocks to."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AbilityUnlocks UnlockableAbility[] | The list of ability unlocks to add to the table.[] |
Base Progression Table Component
Name /type | Description /example |
AbilityUnlocks UnlockableAbility[] | The list of ability unlocks that make up this table. Use GetAbilities to ensure BaseProgressionTableAppendGameDatas are accounted for.[] |
DefaultDecisionTrees AIDecisionTreeCollectionItem[] | If there is are decision trees specified on the AIController component, it will default to using these decision trees.[] |
DecisionTreeSelectionType String (AIDecisionTreeSelectionType) | "RandomOrder" |
DefaultCustomAIID Guid (CustomAIDefinitionGameData) | If this is set and the character is a party member, they will default to use this custom AI when Party AI is enabled."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DefaultCustomAI2ID Guid (CustomAIDefinitionGameData) | If this is set and the character is a party member, they will default to use this custom AI when Party AI is enabled."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
The base values for character stats before bonuses are applied.
Name /type | Description /example |
IsPlayerClass Boolean | Set to true if this stat block is for a playable class."false" |
BaseDeflection Int32 | 0 |
BaseFortitude Int32 | 0 |
BaseReflexes Int32 | 0 |
BaseWill Int32 | 0 |
MeleeAccuracyBonus Int32 | 0 |
RangedAccuracyBonus Int32 | 0 |
MaxHealth Int32 | 0 |
HealthPerLevel Int32 | 0 |
Beam Teleport Attack
Name /type | Description /example |
HitWithPrimaryAttack Boolean | "false" |
HitWithSecondaryAttack Boolean | "false" |
HitTargetWithPrimaryAttack Boolean | If set, the caster will also hit the target with his primary attack."false" |
HitTargetWithSecondaryAttack Boolean | If set, the caster will also hit the target with his secondary attack."false" |
Contains stats for a bestiary entry.
Name /type | Description /example |
CharacterStatsID Guid (CharacterStatsGameData) | The character stats object associated with this creature."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
KillsToMaster Int32 | The number of kills before all information is revealed.10 |
ExperienceMultiplier Single | The value that gets multiplied by the global BestiaryExperience value to determine how much XP is rewarded for unlocking all information about this creature.1 |
ParentObjectID Guid (BestiaryEntryGameData) | If set, this entry will appear underneath the specified one in the UI."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
PicturePath String | Path to bestiary illustration (gui assetbundle, expected dimensions are 400x420). The image will be multiplied."GUI//*. |
Description Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | he bestiary description giving an overview and describing special effects.0 |
OverrideDamage Boolean | If true, the values from Primary Damage and Secondary Damage will be displayed. Otherwise the damage from equipment will be displayed."false" |
PrimaryDamage DamageData | Damage from the creature's primary attack. |
SecondaryDamage DamageData | Damage from the creature's secondary attack. |
OverrideRevealPoints BestiaryRevealPointOverride[] | Stats for which the default reveal point should be overridden for this character.[] |
Global settings concerning the bestiary.
Name /type | Description /example |
LevelScalingThresholdModifier Int32 | Used for ability visibility. If the entry's base level, plus this modifier, is greater than or equal to the ability's minimum character level, that ability will show.5 |
DefaultReveal BestiaryRevealPointOverride[] | The default reveal points for each stat.[] |
Data for blood effects.
Name /type | Description /example |
SlashEffect String | Effect to play for slash damage type"Prefabs/Effects/*. |
PierceEffect String | Effect to play for pierce damage type"Prefabs/Effects/*. |
CrushEffect String | Effect to play for crush damage type"Prefabs/Effects/*. |
Bloodlust Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
NumberOfKills Int32 | The ability will trigger when the owner kills this many enemies.2 |
Contains a list of mappings from bone names to attachment point types.
Name /type | Description /example |
CanSheathe Boolean | Set to true if this character has the proper animations for sheathing and unsheathing."false" |
Bones BoneMapping[] | List of mappings.[] |
Audio events for button down, up, hover, etc.
Name /type | Description /example |
AudioEventList ButtonAudioItem[] | Audio event for every button event type.[] |
General audio data for fatigue whispers and soul vision.
Name /type | Description /example |
FatigueWhispersAudioEventList FatigueWhispersAudioEventListStructure | Audio information for fatigue whispers. |
SoulVisionAudioEventList SoulVisionAudioEventListStructure | Audio information for soul vision. |
Cape Character Collider Data
Name /type | Description /example |
CharacterColliderData BodyTypeCapeCharacterColliders[] | [] |
Represents one speed a spell can be cast at.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of this speed.0 |
Duration Single | The total duration of the cast, in seconds.0 |
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, achievements table) | The display name of the achievement0 |
DisplayDescription Int32 (string id, achievements table) | 0 |
WhenToCheckFlag String (AchievementCheckFlag) | When should this achievement be checked to see if it should be awarded? |
Conditions AchievementCondition[] | [] |
ConditionLogicalOperator String (LogicalOperator) | If you have more than one condition for this achievement, specify if you want to AND or OR them all together. |
NewGameBonusPoints Int32 | How many "New Game Bonus" points are awarded for completing this challenge?0 |
Hidden Boolean | Is the Challenge hidden until it's unlocked"false" |
Icon String | "GUI\Images\InGameHUD\NewGameBonuses/*. |
Change Form Status Effect
Name /type | Description /example |
NewFormAppearance String | Appearnce Data for new form"Art/*. |
TempAbilitiesIDs Guid[] (GenericAbilityGameData) | Abilities to grant to the target while active.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
RemoveEquipment Boolean | If True, all equipment will be removed when this form is applied, otherwise equipment will only remove if a temp item is added to that slot. (Weapons are always removed, regardless of the case)"true" |
TempEquipmentIDs Guid[] (EquippableGameData) | Equipment to grant to the target while active.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
FormVariationID Guid (AnimationStanceGameData) | Value that will be set for the Form parameter on the animation controller."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AnimationController String | "Art/*. |
AnimationAudioID Guid (AnimationAudioEventListGameData) | Overrides the event list for footsteps and foley for the new form."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Reputation change strength values and details.
Name /type | Description /example |
ReputationValue Int32 | The value to change reputation.0 |
DispositionValue Int32 | The value to change disposition.0 |
RelationshipValue Int32 | The value to change companion relationship0 |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The string to display to the user for this change strength.0 |
FormatString Int32 (string id, gui table) | The formatted string to display reputation change values to the user.0 |
Name /type | Description /example |
StartingPhrasesIDs Guid[] (PhraseGameData) | List of phrases this chant sound contain when it is first instantiated.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Contains stats for a given character class.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of the class.0 |
DisplayNamePlural Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of the class in plural form.0 |
SummaryText Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | A short (1-2 sentence) description of this class.0 |
DescriptionText Int32 (string id, gui table) | A long description of this class.0 |
RequireSubclass Boolean | Determines whether a class is required to have a subclass or if the player can select "No subclass.""false" |
Icon String | The icon associated with this class."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
PowerPoolIcon String | The icon for this class's power pool."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
TabNugget String | The background used behind action bar spellcast counts for this class."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/ActionBar/*. |
AccruedResourceIcon String | The icon for this class's accrued resource."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
SkillsList SkillValue[] | Adjustments for skills[] |
BaseStatsID Guid (BaseStatsGameData) | The base stats data used for characters of this class."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
IsSpellcaster Boolean | Set to true if this is a spellcaster class."false" |
SpellcastsByPowerLevel IntCollection[] | The number of spellcasts a character of this class gets, by character power level, then by spell leve.[] |
SpellIdentifierString Int32 (string id, gui table) | A string like "{0} Spell" that describes one of this class's spells.0 |
SpellIdentifierStringPlural Int32 (string id, gui table) | A string like "{0} Spells" that describes this class's spells.0 |
HasAccruedResource Boolean | Set if this class uses a resource other than its Power Pool."false" |
PowerPoolName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized name of this class's Power Pool resource.0 |
AccruedResourceName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized name of this class's Accrued Resource.0 |
LightColor Color | A color assosciated with this class (light). |
DarkColor Color | A color assosciated with this class (dark). |
ProTierAttributesIDs Guid[] (AttributeGameData) | List of attributes that are considered worthwhile for a character of this class.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
GodTierAttributesIDs Guid[] (AttributeGameData) | List of attributes that are considered very good for a character of this class.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
DefaultDecisionTreeID Guid (AIDecisionTree) | Decision tree that will be used by party members of this class when under a take control status effect."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AISpeedRating Int32 | A number representing this class's "speed", for AI targeting purposes.0 |
ResourceConversionRate Single | Multiplier applied to resource amounts granted to this class by AddResources status effects.1 |
HybridClassTitles HybridClassTitleData[] | Multiclass titles for characters with this class and another class. The title need only be present on one of the two classes.[] |
ImprovedUnarmedAttack Boolean | If set, characters of this class use an improved unarmed attack."false" |
UsesGrimoires Boolean | Indicates whether this class uses grimoires for spells."false" |
AccruedResourceAbilitiesAreSpells Boolean | If set, considers this class's accrued-resource abilities to be Spells."false" |
SpellsAreShapable Boolean | True if the spells cast by this class are able to have their shape adjusted through player input."false" |
Holds constant data for character creation.
Name /type | Description /example |
MulticlassAttributeSilverStarThreshold Int32 | Point value at which an attribute will recieve a silver star for a multiclassed character.2 |
MulticlassAttributeGoldStarThreshold Int32 | Point value at which an attribute will recieve a silver star for a multiclassed character.4 |
DefaultEquipmentSetID Guid (EquipmentSetData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Loadouts CharacterCreationLoadout[] | List of equipment loadouts to use for different character configurations.[] |
MaleAppearances CharacterCreationAppearanceStructure[] | [] |
FemaleAppearances CharacterCreationAppearanceStructure[] | [] |
Character Level Scaling Table Component
Name /type | Description /example |
ExpectedCharacterLevelAdjustments LevelScalingRule[] | [] |
Character Progression Data
Name /type | Description /example |
MaxClasses Int32 | The maximum number of different classes a single character can take.0 |
SuperChargeCountByCharacterLevel Integer[] | The number of max supercharges given to a character at each specified level.[] |
WeaponProficiencyPointsByCharacterLevel Integer[] | The number of max weapon proficiency points given to a character at each specified level.[] |
BaseMaxPowerPoolByPowerLevel Integer[] | The number of max power points a character gets at each class power level.[] |
CharacterCreationValidRacesIDs Guid[] (RaceGameData) | List of races that are valid at character creation.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
CharacterCreationValidCulturesIDs Guid[] (CultureGameData) | List of cultures that are valid at character creation.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
CharacterCreationValidGendersIDs Guid[] (GenderGameData) | List of genders that can be chosen in character creation.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
SingleClassPowerLevelByCharacterLevel Integer[] | The power level of a single-classed character, by character level.[] |
MultiClassPowerLevelByCharacterLevel Integer[] | The power level of each class of a multi-classed character, by character level.[] |
Character Progression Table
Name /type | Description /example |
DefaultClassID Guid (CharacterClassGameData) | The character's first class."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
MultiClassID Guid (CharacterClassGameData) | The character's (optional) second class."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Skills ProgressionSkillChoice[] | List indicating which skills this character will take at each level.[] |
SubclassesIDs Guid[] (CharacterSubClassGameData) | List of subclasses this character will select.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
IgnoreResources Boolean | If set, the character using this progression table with ignore resource limits and grimoire requirements when using abilities."false" |
Contains data that makes up an NPC.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, characters table) | 0 |
Gender String (Gender) | "Male" |
RaceID Guid (RaceGameData) | The character's race."74e606b7-022a-40af-858d-83dd90a98e62" |
SubraceID Guid (SubraceGameData) | The character's subrace if it has one."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CultureID Guid (CultureGameData) | The character's culture"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CharacterProgressionTableID Guid (CharacterProgressionTableGameData) | This is the table that is used for setting character abilities based on level and other conditionals."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BaseClassLevel Int32 | The character's current level.1 |
SpeakerID Guid (SpeakerGameData) | If the character participates in a conversation, this references his display name and gender."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
NakedArmorMaterial String (ArmorMaterial) | Armor material to use for audio if the character is not wearing armor."None" |
CreatureTypeGDID Guid (CreatureTypeGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BestiaryEntryID Guid (BestiaryEntryGameData) | The bestiary entry that killing this creature should feed into."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BackgroundID Guid (BackgroundGameData) | The origin background of the character."05594ae8-9d20-4592-97b5-62a1d69c1ddb" |
KeywordsIDs Guid[] (KeywordGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
BaseMight Int32 | Starting might with out any bonuses applied.10 |
BaseConstitution Int32 | Starting constitution with out any bonuses applied.10 |
BaseDexterity Int32 | Starting dexterity with out any bonuses applied.10 |
BasePerception Int32 | Starting perception with out any bonuses applied.10 |
BaseIntellect Int32 | Starting inellect with out any bonuses applied.10 |
BaseResolve Int32 | Starting resolve with out any bonuses applied.10 |
SkillsList SkillValue[] | List of starting skills and values.[] |
ImmuneToEngagement Boolean | If true, the NPC cannot be engaged by an enemy."false" |
ImmuneToAttacks Boolean | If true, the NPC will always be an invalid target for all attacks."false" |
PerceptionType String (PerceptionAdjustment) | Determines the range a creature can detect a stealth enemy or someone stealing from containers."Normal" |
StealthDetectionID Guid (StealthDetectionGameData) | Stats for creature's stealth detection"4b59d454-61f3-472f-906f-ff36afd861c0" |
StealingAdjustmentID Guid (ChangeStrengthGameData) | Reputation change if player is caught pickpocketing this character."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
StartingMaxEngageableEnemyCount Int32 | The number of targets this NPC can engage simultaneously.0 |
StartingAttackSpeedMultiplier Single | Changes the speed at which the NPC attacks.1 |
StartingRateOfFireMultiplier Single | Increases ranged attack speed including abilties.1 |
StartingReloadTimeMultiplier Single | Changes the time it takes the NPC to reload.1 |
PersonalityID Guid (PersonalityGameData) | Personality type for animations."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AnimationAudioEventListID Guid (AnimationAudioEventListGameData) | Audio event list used for footsteps and foley. Will override the audio event list specified in the character's creature type gamedata."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
MinLevelAdjustment Int32 | Minumum level adjustment for level scaling.-50 |
MaxLevelAdjustment Int32 | Maxiumum leve adjustmentl for level scaling.50 |
IsNamedCharacter Boolean | If true, character will use the Named Character level scaling table."false" |
All of the global settings for Character Stats.
Name /type | Description /example |
BasePlayerLevelCap Int32 | The maximum level player controlled characters can achieve in the base game.12 |
MaxCharacterLevel Int32 | The maximum level in general allowed in the game. Must be greater than or equal to the player level cap.20 |
AttributeAverage Int32 | The average or base value of an attribute where no bonuses or negatives are applied to attribute values.10 |
MaxPerceptionDistance Single | Max Perception Distance for viewing non-stealthed content.7 |
MaxStealthRadius Single | The largest detection radius in meters a character can have (usually when their stealth skill is low)4 |
MaxDetectionRange Int32 | Maxiumum range a character can detect any detectable.12 |
DefaultWalkSpeed Single | 2 |
DefaultRunSpeed Single | 4 |
DefaultAnimalCompanionWalkSpeed Single | 2 |
DefaultAnimalCompanionRunSpeed Single | 5.5 |
CombatHealthRechargeRate Single | 1 |
NormalHealthRechargeRate Single | 10 |
HealthRechargeDelay Single | The time it takes for the combat state to actually drop after combat ends.3 |
ModalRecoveryTime Single | 3 |
GlobalRaceScale RaceScaleData[] | Global race scaling values.[] |
DefaultEnemiesToFlank Int32 | The default number of enemies that must engage a target to flank it.2 |
AttributeHealthMultiplier Single | Health multiplier per point of Constitution off the average.0.05 |
AttributeDefenseAdjustment Int32 | Defense (Fortitude, Reflex, Will) per point of associated attribute off the average.2 |
AttributeDeflectionAdjustment Int32 | Deflection bonus per point of Resolve off the average.1 |
AttributeAccuracyAdjustment Int32 | Bonus accuracy per point of Perception off the average.1 |
AttributeDamageMultiplier Single | Damage multiplier per point of Might or Resolve off the average.0.03 |
AttributeAttackSpeedMultiplier Single | Attack speed multiplier per point of Dexterity off the average.0.03 |
AttributeDurationMultiplier Single | Duration multiplier per point of Intellect off the average0.05 |
AttributeIncomingHostileEffectDuationMultiplier Single | Duration multiplier per point of Resolve off the average on incoming hostile status effects-0.03 |
AttributeTacticalStrideMultiplier Single | Stride multiplier in turn-based mode per point of Dexterity off the average.0 |
AttributeAreaMultiplier Single | Area of Effect multiplier per point of intellect off the average0.06 |
IngestibleDurationMultiplier Single | Duration multiplier for ingestible consumables per point of Survival0.05 |
MaxAttributeScore Int32 | The maximum value an attribute can reach (0 is no cap).0 |
PersonalInventorySize Int32 | The number of slots in each character's personal inventory.0 |
BaseQuickbarSize Int32 | The base number of slots in each character's quickbar.0 |
BaseWeaponSets Int32 | The base number of weapon sets for each character.0 |
EnemyDifficultyAdjustments DifficultyStatAdjustments[] | Adjustments to enemy stats by difficulty level.[] |
LevelScalingArmorLevelIncrement Int32 | Number of levels scaled for adding value of Level Scaling Armor Modifier0 |
LevelScalingArmorModifier Int32 | Amount of armor to adjust per number of Level Scaling Armor Threshold (ex. 1 Armor per 3 Levels).0 |
LevelScalingPenetrationLevelIncrement Int32 | Number of levels scaled for adding value of Level Scaling Penetration Modifier0 |
LevelScalingPenetrationModifier Int32 | Amount of penetration to adjust per number of Level Scaling Armor Threshold (ex. 1 Penetration per 3 Levels).0 |
PowerPoolUsageType String (ConsumableUsageType) | The usage type of each character's power pool."PerEncounter" |
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of the sub class.0 |
SummaryText Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | A short (1-2 sentence) description of this subclass.0 |
DescriptionText Int32 (string id, gui table) | A long description of this subclass.0 |
DescriptionTextTactical Int32 (string id, gui table) | An override long description of this subclass to use when in Turn-Based Mode.0 |
ForClassID Guid (CharacterClassGameData) | The class that this is a subclass of."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
HideInCharacterCreation Boolean | If true, this subclass will not show up in character creation. This is for companion specific subclasses."false" |
BonusFirstLevelProficiencies Int32 | The number of bonus weapon proficiencies this character receives at character creation.0 |
MaximumProficiencies Int32 | The maximum number of proficiencies a character of this subclass can unlock (-1 means infinite). The lowest value across each of a character's subclasses is used.-1 |
IncompatibleWithIDs Guid[] (CharacterSubClassGameData) | A list of other classes' subclasses that cannot be taken with this subclass.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Contains the cooldown settings for all chatter events
Name /type | Description /example |
CooldownSets ChatterCooldownSet[] | The cooldown event sets in the game.[] |
Settings for each chatter event type
Name /type | Description /example |
ChatterEvents ChatterEvent[] | Data for each chatter event in the game.[] |
SelectHumorThreshold Int32 | The number of time the player must click on a character for humor selection sounds to start playing.0 |
IdleTimeThreshold Single | Specify how often (in seconds) you want idle sounds to play from randomized party members.0 |
This component is used in the Chatter Tool to override chatter event settings on a per file basis.
Name /type | Description /example |
Overrides ChatterEvent | Override values to use instead of the default settings fo the chatter event. |
A bunch of assorted stats and data about a city.
Name /type | Description /example |
Name Int32 (string id, gui table) | The name of the city.0 |
Classification Int32 (string id, gui table) | A classification/subtitle for the city.0 |
Population Int32 | The population of the city.0 |
GovenmentType Int32 (string id, gui table) | The type of government this city has.0 |
Religions CyclopediaDatabaseString[] | List of religions practiced in this city.[] |
Races CityAlmanacRatioEntry[] | List of races present in this city.[] |
Imports Int32 (string id, gui table) | List of goods this city imports.0 |
Exports Int32 (string id, gui table) | List of goods this city exports.0 |
Ruler CityAlmanacRulerStructure[] | Definitions for who rules the city.[] |
Component holding data on a city map in the game.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The name of this city.0 |
AlmanacDataID Guid (CityAlmanacDataGameData) | Almanac data object for this city."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
OnSupplyButton ConditionalAndScripts | Scripts to run when the player presses the Supply button on this city's city map. |
HasShipyard Boolean | If set, the player can alter their ship here."false" |
Type String (CityType) | The type of this city."Town" |
Defines one zone on a city map UI.
Name /type | Description /example |
CityID Guid (CityGameData) | The city this zone belongs to."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, maps table) | The localized display name for this zone.0 |
MainMapID Guid (MapGameData) | The main or exterior map for this zone."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
GameZoneID Guid (ZoneGameData) | If set, adds all the maps in the specified game zone to this city map zone."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
MapsIDs Guid[] (MapGameData) | List of submaps to include within this zone.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Contains data describing how a particular character or class of characters should level up.
Name /type | Description /example |
CategoryNames ProgressionCategory[] | A list of names to associated with Custom* categories used in this table.[] |
AbilityPointUnlocks ProgressionPointUnlock[] | List of points unlocked to be spent on a certain category at a certain level.[] |
Parameters for modifying weather clouds.
Name /type | Description /example |
CloudStrength String (WeatherStrengthType) | Density of clouds (light clouds, cloudy, overcast)."Inactive" |
CloudDensity Single | Density of clouds (on a scale of 0 to 1).0 |
CloudSpeedType String (CloudSpeedType) | Speed of clouds (match wind, zero, light, moderate, heavy, custom)."MatchWindSpeed" |
CloudSpeed Single | Speed of clouds.0 |
Custom states for dynamic combat music.
Name /type | Description /example |
CustomStates CombatMusicCustomDynamicState[] | Custom states for dynamic combat music.[] |
Default states for dynamic combat music.
Name /type | Description /example |
DefaultState CombatMusicDynamicState | Default states for dynamic combat music. |
Global settings controlling how combat works.
Name /type | Description /example |
SneakAttackAfflictionTypesIDs Guid[] (AfflictionTypeGameData) | Affliction types that allow sneak attacks on the afflictee.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
PenetrationRatioMultipliers ThresholdValue[] | Damage multiplier to apply to an attack based on the ratio Penetration/Armor. Sorted from lowest to highest.[] |
FlatPenetrationMultipliers ThresholdValue[] | Damage multiplier to apply to an attack based on the difference Penetration - Armor. Sorted from lowest to highest.[] |
NoPenetrationNotification Single | Threshold for penetration multiplier before showing the No Pen notification1 |
GlobalRecoveryMultiplier Single | Multiplier applied to all recovery times.1 |
DualWeaponRecoveryMultiplier Single | Multiplier applied to recovery times of weapons wielded one-handed.1 |
DualWeaponFullAttackDamageMultiplier Single | Multiplier added to damage calculations when performing full attacks while dual wielding.1 |
SingleWeaponAccuracyBonus Int32 | Accuracy bonus given to a character with only a one-handed weapon.0 |
SwitchWeaponRecoveryTime Single | The recovery time incurred by switching weapon sets in combat.0 |
InterruptRecoveryTime Single | The recovery time incurred when a character is interrupted.0 |
MovingRecoverySpeedMultiplier Single | Multiplier applied to recovery speed when the character is moving.1 |
ReengagementWaitPeriod Single | The length of time in seconds that a character must wait after issueing a disengagement attack, before he can engage the same target again.0 |
GrimoireCooldownTime Single | The length of the grimoire cooldown incurred by switching grimoires in combat.0 |
StoryTimeMinimumRollToCrit Int32 | The minimum attack roll enemies must make to crit a player in Story Time mode.0 |
MinimumRollToGraze Int32 | The minimum roll a character must hit to Graze a target.0 |
MinimumRollToHit Int32 | The minimum roll a character must hit to Hit a target.0 |
MinimumRollToCrit Int32 | The minimum roll a character must hit to Crit a target.0 |
MinimumRollToGrazeTactical Int32 | The minimum roll a character must hit to Graze a target in turn-based mode.0 |
MinimumRollToHitTactical Int32 | The minimum roll a character must hit to Hit a target in turn-based mode.0 |
MinimumRollToCritTactical Int32 | The minimum roll a character must hit to Crit a target in turn-based mode.0 |
GrazeDamageMult Single | The damage multiplier applied to an attack that grazes.1 |
GrazeEffectDurationMult Single | Multiplier applied to effect durations for effects from attacks that graze.1 |
CritDamageMult Single | The damage multiplier applied to an attack that crits.1 |
CritEffectDurationMult Single | Multiplier applied to effect durations for effects from attacks that crit.1 |
CritPenetrationMult Single | The penetration rating of a critical hit is multiplied by this.1.5 |
AccuracyPerLevel Int32 | Accuracy granted to all characters per level they have.0 |
DefensePerLevel Int32 | Defense bonus granted to all characters for each level they have.0 |
DisengagementAccuracyBonus Int32 | Accuracy bonus given to all disengagement attacks.5 |
DisengagementDamageBonus Single | Damage multiplier applied to all disengagement attacks.5 |
TrapBaseAccuracy Int32 | The base accuracy of traps.50 |
TrapAccuracyPerLevel Int32 | Accuracy granted to traps per level they have.3 |
StatusEffectDefaultPenetration Single | Default penetration value to use for status effect damage.0 |
MaximumInjuriesBeforeDeath Int32 | If a character with this many injuries is knocked out, they die.0 |
DefaultCharacterLevelScalingRulesID Guid (CharacterLevelScalingTableGameData) | Default level scaling rules for main quest level scaling."311137d5-67c2-40ec-b21a-cf8dbd64ae1f" |
DefaultSideQuestCharacterLevelScalingRulesID Guid (CharacterLevelScalingTableGameData) | Default level scaling rules for side quest level scaling."29276145-43e8-400c-b9c1-9ea63a0298ce" |
DefaultNamedCharacterLevelScalingRulesID Guid (CharacterLevelScalingTableGameData) | Default level scaling rules for named character level scaling."f2af3656-2352-483e-8dac-511ec8061734" |
DefaultPartySizeLevelScalingRulesID Guid (PartySizeLevelScalingTableGameData) | "60c7ffde-42b8-4a51-8d16-ed4fee2f1e58" |
EmpowerLevelBonus Int32 | Empowered spells have this much added to their Power Level.0 |
DefaultBlastSizes BlastRadius[] | Default values for the radius for each blast size.[] |
TrapDefaultDifficulties TrapDifficultyEntry[] | Default difficulties for disarming and percieving traps, by trap level.[] |
ReligionPositiveBonuses Float[] | Array of bonus multipliers, indexed by disposition rank.[] |
ReligionNegativeBonuses Float[] | Array of bonus multipliers, indexed by disposition rank.[] |
EmpowerSelfVfx String | Visual effect to play on a chacter when they empower themselves."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
KnockDownDuration Single | Duration of the knocked-down interrupt.0 |
PostCombatRefreshTime Single | The time it takes after combat ends and the player stops casting for abilities and resources to reset.1 |
PartyDefogRadius Single | The radius in which fog of war is revealed around party members. WARNING: Changing this can break encounter placement across all areas.0 |
EnemySightRange Single | The distance at which enemies can see unstealthed party members. WARNING: Changing this can break encounter placement across all areas.0 |
RangedAutoAttackDistance Single | The distance at which an AI will switch to using only melee vs only ranged auto attacks if they have the option to perform both (dual wielding).2 |
RemainingRecoveryDodgeTimer Single | Characters will not attempt a dodge animation if they have an action queued and are in recovery with less than this time remaining .1 |
LevelDifficultyIconNeutralSpriteName String | High resolution icon used when the difficutly is equal to or less than the player's level."" |
LevelDifficultyIconSettings LevelDifficultyIcons[] | Settings for displaying difficulty icons based on level differences.[] |
CombatMoveSpeedMultiplier Single | Global multiplier for movement speed in combat.1 |
StealthLingerDuration Single | Grace period that stealth and invisibility last for when checking status effect filters.2 |
CastHeightRange Single | Maximum range in the Y plane that an ability can be cast (relative to the caster Y position)0 |
HighSpellShapingAreaAdjustment Single | Multiplier for scaling area up of attacks when spell shaping.1.25 |
LowSpellShapingAreaAdjustment Single | Multiplier for scaling area down of attacks when spell shaping.0.75 |
HighSpellShapingPowerLevelAdjustment Int32 | Bonus to power level when scaling up attacks for spell shaping-1 |
LowSpellShapingPowerLevelAdjustment Int32 | Bonus to power level when scaling down attacks for spell shaping1 |
InvocationChantDelay Single | Delay in seconds after a chanter casts an invocation before they can chant again.0 |
Data for companions
Name /type | Description /example |
CompanionGuidString String | The unique guid created for this companion game object."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ScriptName String | String name to use when trying to reference this companion from scripts."" |
Prefab String | The prefab for this companion"Prefabs/Characters/Companion/*. |
SpeakerID Guid (SpeakerGameData) | The speaker associated with this companion."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Topics CompanionTopic[] | Topics of concern for this companion[] |
TopicReactions CompanionTopicReaction[] | List of reactions this companion can play when one of their Topics is mentioned.[] |
PlayerRelationship ThresholdInfo[] | Info for each threshold of the relationship with the player[] |
CompanionRelationships CompanionThresholdInfo[] | Info for each companion relatioship threshold[] |
ProgressionTablesIDs Guid[] (CharacterProgressionTableGameData) | Potential progression tables to use when adding this companion to the party.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
IsSidekick Boolean | "false" |
Manges global data for companions
Name /type | Description /example |
RelationshipScale Int32 | The size of the positive and negative point scale for tracking relationships. A value of 50 means 50 positive and 50 negative points, for a total scale of 100.50 |
RelationshipThresholds CompanionRelationshipThreshold[] | The percentage values on the scale when thresholds are triggered.[] |
ConversationDelay Single | Delay in seconds before a companion starts a relationship threshold conversation after triggering.5 |
MaxRelationshipHistoryNodes Int32 | Initial value for max realtionship history nodes.20 |
MinorRelationshipIconThreshold Int32 | Max value for showing the minor relationship value icon.5 |
MajorRelationshipIconThreshold Int32 | Max value for showing the intermediate relationship value icon.20 |
An item that has finite number of uses.
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (ConsumableType) | The kind of consumable."Food" |
RestType String (FoodRestType) | Defines if and when this item restores resources when eaten as part of a rest."Food" |
UsageCount Int32 | The number of times the item can be used.1 |
UsageType String (ConsumableUsageType) | Indicates when the usage count is reset back to full."Fixed" |
AnimationVariation Int32 | The ID of the animation to play when using the consumable.100 |
AbilityID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | The ability to cast when the consumable is used."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
PickpocketAbilityID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | Ability to cast when this item is set to trigger during a pickpocket action."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Timer Single | Time delay to trigger the item's Pickpocket Ability0 |
SkillRequirement SkillValue | Skill and required level if this consumable needs to check |
ShipMoraleBonus Int32 | The adjustment that will be made to the player's ship morale when this food item is consumed by a crewmember.1 |
SpoilHours Int32 | The item will spoil this many hours after being collected by the player (-1 = does not spoil)-1 |
Coordinated Positioning Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
TeleportToAbductionWaypoint Boolean | If true, both the attacker and target are teleported to a nearby abduction waypoint."false" |
UnlimitedAbductionRange Boolean | If set, this ability can abduct to any abduction waypoint, regardless of range."false" |
Creature Rig Type
Creature Type
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | 0 |
BaseStatsID Guid (BaseStatsGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
GibDataID Guid (GibGameData) | The gib set to use for creatures of this type."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BloodDataID Guid (BloodGameData) | The blood effects to use for creatures of this type."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AnimationAudioEventListID Guid (AnimationAudioEventListGameData) | Audio event list used for footsteps and foley."72eb215e-99b0-408c-8e1c-2fdffbd3b02d" |
RigTypeID Guid (CreatureRigTypeGameData) | Rig type to use for validating animations on this creature."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CanBePickpocketed Boolean | Determines whether this creature can be pickpocketed or not."true" |
Contains stats for a given culture.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of the culture.0 |
SummaryText Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | A short (1-2 sentence) description of this culture.0 |
DescriptionText Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized long description of this culture.0 |
Icon String | The icon representing this culture."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
Resolve Int32 | Resolve ability adjustment.0 |
Might Int32 | Might ability adjustment.0 |
Dexterity Int32 | Dexterity ability adjustment.0 |
Intellect Int32 | Intellect ability adjustment.0 |
Constitution Int32 | Constitution ability adjustment.0 |
Perception Int32 | Perception ability adjustment.0 |
CharacterCreationBackgroundsIDs Guid[] (BackgroundGameData) | List of background that are valid for this culture at character creation.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Custom AI Ability Package
Name /type | Description /example |
AbilitiesIDs Guid[] (GenericAbilityGameData) | The abilities that make up the Ability Package["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
BaseAbilityReferenceID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | This is the base ability reference to display in the UI (icon, name, description)"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Custom AI Conditional Category
Name /type | Description /example |
CategoryName Int32 (string id, customai table) | 0 |
Custom AI Conditional Script Set
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, customai table) | 0 |
ConditionalScripts ConditionalOnly | |
AIConditionalType String (CustomAIConditionalScriptType) | "Targeting" |
AIConditionalCategoryID Guid (CustomAIConditionalCategoryGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Custom AI Definition
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, customai table) | 0 |
DisplayNameOld Int32 (string id, gui table) | 0 |
Description Int32 (string id, customai table) | Description to show when this AI is moused over or selected.0 |
SupportedClassesIDs Guid[] (CharacterClassGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
ConditionalActionSets CustomAIConditionalActionSet[] | [] |
Custom AI Settings
Name /type | Description /example |
DefaultConditionalID Guid (CustomAIConditionalScriptSetGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Custom AI Supported Targeting Filters For Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
AttackForcedTargetMappings SupportedTargetingFiltersForAttackedForcedTarget[] | [] |
TargetTypeMappings SupportedTargetingFiltersForTargetType[] | [] |
Custom AI Targeting Filter
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayString Int32 (string id, customai table) | 0 |
DisplayStringOld Int32 (string id, gui table) | 0 |
TargetingFilter String (AutoTargetingType) | "Hostile" |
Data Script Event Component
Name /type | Description /example |
Scripts DataScriptCall[] | List of scripts attached to this data object.[] |
Ability that applies its effects to the owner when he attacks a target that has at least two of the listed afflictions.
Name /type | Description /example |
TriggeringStatusEffectsIDs Guid[] (AfflictionTypeGameData) | The owner's target must have at least 2 of these effects to be eligible for Deathblows.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Data describing one layout for the debug party.
Name /type | Description /example |
PartyLevel Int32 | The level of each party member.1 |
ExecScripts ExecScriptReferenceStructure[] | A set of scripts to run after spawning the debug party.[] |
Player String | Player prefab to use."Prefabs/Characters/Prototype/Player_VS.prefab" |
PartyMembers CharacterFilenameReference[] | List of party members to include.[] |
Contains data about one deity in the game.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, factions table) | The name of the deity.0 |
PositiveDispositionsIDs Guid[] (DispositionGameData) | List of dispositions this deity reacts positively to.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
NegativeDispositionsIDs Guid[] (DispositionGameData) | List of dispositions this deity reacts negatively to.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Component for destructible data.
Name /type | Description /example |
HitEffects DestructibleEffects[] | Effects to perform when a destructible is damaged.[] |
DeathEffects DestructibleEffects[] | Effects to perform when the destructible is destroyed.[] |
SigilID Guid (SigilGameData) | Sigil reference if it has one."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Radius Single | Radius of destructible0.5 |
IsAITargetable Boolean | If true, the AI will process the destructible in its list of potential targets."false" |
Disposition axis and ranks.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, factions table) | The name of this disposition to display to the user.0 |
Description Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | Prose description of this disposition.0 |
Ranks Integer[] | Values at which the disposition ranks up.[] |
Icon String | The icon for this disposition."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
CircularIcon String | Used in the reputation section of the character sheet on dials."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
DLC Script Data
Name /type | Description /example |
LAX1ScriptSet DLCScriptSet | |
LAX2ScriptSet DLCScriptSet | |
LAX3ScriptSet DLCScriptSet | |
LAX4ScriptSet DLCScriptSet |
Draining Touch Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
DrainPercentage Single | 0.25 |
General data for dynamic music.
Name /type | Description /example |
InStealthRequiredTime Single | Amount of time spent inside stealth before dynamic music will transition into stealth.0 |
OutStealthRequiredTime Single | Amount of time spent outside of stealth before dynamic music will transition away from stealth.0 |
Component holding global data on economy balance.
Name /type | Description /example |
MaxAdventurers Int32 | A restriction on the maximum number of adventurers that can be hired (ever).8 |
DefaultRatesID Guid (VendorRatesGameData) | The default global vendor rates."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ItemModCostMultiplier Int32 | The currency value of an item mod is determined by multiplying its 'Cost' by this.0 |
AdventurerCostMultiplier Int32 | Hiring an adventurer costs (AdventurerLevel * this).0 |
RespecCostMultiplier Int32 | Respecing a party member costs (CharacterLevel * this).0 |
TwoHandedCostMultiplier Single | Multiplies Item Mod Cost by this value if the item is two handed.2 |
BlessingCostMultiplier Single | If the "Discount Craftsman" Berath's Blessing is enabled, crafting and enchanting currency costs are multiplied by this value.1 |
PetMeldingNoBonusCost Int32 | Cost to meld a pet with no bonuses0 |
PetMeldingWithBonusCost Int32 | Cost to meld a pet with bonuses applied.0 |
Encounter Biome
Name /type | Description /example |
MapsIDs Guid[] (MapGameData) | Map to load.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Enervating Blows Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
EnervatingBlowsDefense String (DefenseType) | "Fortitude" |
Component storing one set of equipment (one per slot) for a character.
Name /type | Description /example |
HeadID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the Head slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
NeckID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the Neck slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CapeID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the cape slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ChestID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the Chest (armor) slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
HandsID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the Hands slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
RightHandRingID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the Right Hand Ring slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
LeftHandRingID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the Left Hand Ring slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
FeetID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the Feet slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
WaistID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the Waist slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
GrimoireOrTrinketID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the Grimoire/Trinket slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
PetID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The item in the Pet slot."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
WeaponSets WeaponSet[] | List of weapon sets in the equipment set.[] |
PropsIDs Guid[] (PropInfoGameData) | Default prop sets that can be equipped.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
An item that can worn or armed by a character.
Name /type | Description /example |
EquipmentType String (WeaponType) | The specific type of this item."None" |
EquipmentSlot String (PermittedEquipmentSlot) | The permitted equipment slot this item can be equipped in."None" |
AppearancePiece AppearancePiece | Render settings for displaying the item. |
ItemModsIDs Guid[] (ItemModGameData) | The modifications placed on the item.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
OnEquipVisualEffects ItemVisualEffect[] | When the item is equipped, play these visual effect on the item.[] |
RestrictedToClassIDs Guid[] (CharacterClassGameData) | If empty, all classes can equip this item. Otherwise, only the listed classes can equip it.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
RestrictedToPlayer Boolean | If true, only the Player Character would be allowed to equip this item."false" |
EquipConditionals ConditionalOnly | Conditionals that must pass to equip this item. oei_owner is the target character. |
ProficientAbilityID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | An ability granted to the equipped owner if he is proficient with this item."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CannotUnequip Boolean | If set, item can't be unequipped when worn."false" |
ItemRendererPrefab String | The prefab to instantiate if the item is to be rendered as a model on a character."prefabs/itemrenderers/*. |
ItemModel String | The .fbx model associated with the weapon."art/character/weapons/*. |
AnimationController String | The runtime animation controller to attach to the loaded model."art/animation/animationcontrollers/*. |
PaperdollOverrideRenderer String | If set, an override renderer prefab to use for the paperdoll."prefabs/itemrenderers/*. |
AttackSummonID Guid (AttackSummonGameData) | The summon this equippable summons."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CannotSheathe Boolean | If true, this item will always try to stay unsheathed (in hand/arm)."false" |
PropVisualEffects VisualStateVisualEffect[] | VFX to play with this set. Only works with AnimEvents since the props may be "equipped" at any time.[] |
Experience Table used for quest experience.
Name /type | Description /example |
ExperienceReference ExperienceStructure[] | Experience Table for most experience types[] |
MajorQuestWeight Uint32 | Weight for major quests and crit path quests.4 |
StandardQuestWeight Uint32 | Weighting for standard quests.2 |
MinorQuestWeight Uint32 | Weighting for minor quests.1 |
StoredExperiencePercent Int32 | The percentage of experience that stored companions should gain, while the active party is earning experience.100 |
StoredExperienceHigherLevelPercent Int32 | The percentage of experience that stored companions should gain, while the active party is earning experience. This is used if the party member is higher than the player.50 |
PartySizeBonusExperiencePercent Int32 | Bonus percentage experience the party gains, per missing party member.25 |
BestiaryExperience Int32 | The amount of experience awarded for unlocking all information about a creature. Note that bestiary references may also use an XP multiplier to determine the final value.36 |
MapExplorationExperience Int32 | The amount of experience awarded to the party for entering a scene for the first time.10 |
MapMarkerDiscoveryExperience Int32 | The amount of experience awarded to the party for discovering a map marker that grants XP.25 |
DisarmTrapExperienceModifier Int32 | This value is multiplied by the difficulty of a disarmed trap to determine how much XP to give the party.5 |
PickLockExperienceModifier Int32 | This value is multiplied by the difficulty of a picked lock to determine how much XP to give the party.5 |
QuestXPMultiplier Single | Multiplier used before experience is granted to the party.1 |
CombatXPMultiplier Single | Multiplier used before combat experience is granted to the party.1 |
ExplorationXPMultiplier Single | Multiplier used before exploration experience is granted to the party.1 |
TrapLockXPMultiplier Single | Multiplier used before disarm trap or pick lock experience is granted to the party.1 |
TrapLockXPIncrements Int32 | The number of traps or locks of a particular level that must be disarmed for the player to earn the full pool of available XP.0 |
WorldMapEncounterExperience ExperienceTableStructure[] | [] |
Faction data for reputation tracking.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, factions table) | The name of the faction.0 |
IsMajorFaction Boolean | Is this a major faction?"false" |
Scale Int32 | The size of the pools for positive and negative reputation.50 |
GlossaryEntryID Guid (GlossaryEntryGameData) | The glossary entry containing information about this faction."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Positive Int32 | The initial value of the positive reputation scale.0 |
Negative Int32 | The initial value of the negative reputation scale.0 |
Icon String | Icon to display for this faction."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Ships/*. |
IconRound String | Round icon to display for this faction."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
FlagIcon String | Large flag sprite displayed on the ship management screen."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Ships/*. |
FlagIconSmall String | Small flag icon displayed on the ship management screen."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Ships/*. |
FlagIconCombat String | Flag sprite displayed in ship combat scripted interactions."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Ships/*. |
HideFromReputationUI Boolean | If true, this faction will not show up in the character sheet reputation UI."false" |
ReputationCanChangeRelationship Boolean | If set, then changes in faction reputation may update player relationship (friendly/hostile)"false" |
ReputationScripts ReputationRankScript[] | Global scripts to call when reaching certain rank thresholds. Triggered by Call Faction Scripts in Reputation Rank data.[] |
Finishing Blow Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
BaseDamageMultiplier Single | The base damage multiplier for this attack.1 |
TargetHealthRatio Single | The target's health must be below this ratio for the damage multiplier to start increasing above Base Damage Multiplier0.5 |
BonusDamageMultiplierPerPercent Single | The attack's damage multiplier increases by this much for each percentage point the target is below the Target Health Threshold.0.1 |
Flanking Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
CombatStartTime Single | 2 |
Data for the Focus Trait ability.
Name /type | Description /example |
DamageToFocusRatio Single | The ratio at which damage dealt is converted to Focus.0.25 |
BaseMaxFocus Int32 | The base maximum value for Focus.20 |
MaxFocusPerLevel Single | The increase to maximum focus per character level.10 |
StartingFocusRatio Single | Ratio of their maximum focus a character will start combat with (0-1).0.25 |
Aaudio events for foley sound effects
Name /type | Description /example |
FoleyAudioEvents FoleyAudioItem[] | collection of foley audio events[] |
General audio data for foley.
Name /type | Description /example |
GroundMaterialMappings GroundMaterialMappingItem[] | Mapping between ground material type and footstep map color.[] |
MovementType String | Name for the RTPC paramter to set for movement type"" |
Gender String | Name for the RTPC paramter to set for character gender"" |
RacialAnimationAudioData RaceAnimationAudioData[] | Race specific audio data for animations[] |
Collection of footstep and jostle audio events
Name /type | Description /example |
FootstepAudioEvents FootstepAudioItem[] | audio events to play for character footsteps[] |
General audio data for game states (WWise states).
Name /type | Description /example |
MainMenuState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for main menu. |
LoadingState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for loading. |
PauseState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for pause state. |
WorldMapState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for world map. |
CombatState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for combat. |
StealthState AudioEnumStateData | WWise state for stealth. |
SoulVisionState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for soul vision. |
DeathState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for death. |
ScriptedInteractionState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for scripted interaction. |
ConversationState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for conversation. |
BarkStringState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for bark string. |
DayNightState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for day/night. |
FatigueWhispersState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for fatigue whispers. |
InteriorSceneState AudioToggleStateData | WWise state for whether the scene is interior or exterior. |
WindowState AudioWindowStateData | WWise state for which window is currently active. |
WeatherPrecipitationState AudioEnumStateData | WWise state for weather precipitation. |
WeatherAirConditionState AudioEnumStateData | WWise state for weather air condition. |
FadeMusicState AudioEnumStateData | WWise state for music fading in/out. |
FadeGeneralAudioState AudioEnumStateData | WWise state for general audio fading in/out. |
TimeOfDayParam String | Name of RTPC that represents time of day (between -1 and 1)."" |
CombatParam String | Name of RTPC that represents combat (0 for no comnat, 1 for in combat)."" |
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (Gender) | The type of this gender."Neuter" |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The name of this gender.0 |
Icon String | The icon for this gender."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
Description Int32 (string id, gui table) | Long text describing this gender.0 |
Parameters for modifying general weather condition parameters.
Name /type | Description /example |
IsTreacherous Boolean | Weather conditions marked as treacherous will cause NPCs to flee for cover."false" |
Data to use when an ability is triggered.
Name /type | Description /example |
KeywordsIDs Guid[] (KeywordGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, abilities table) | The name of the ability displayed to the player.0 |
Description Int32 (string id, abilities table) | The ability description displayed to the player.0 |
DescriptionTactical Int32 (string id, abilities table) | The override ability description displayed to the player in Turn-Based Mode. (If not set, the description will be used)0 |
UpgradeDescriptions AbilityDatabaseString[] | Aditional ability description strings to append to the Description.[] |
UpgradedFromID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | An ability that this ability is an upgraded version of."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Vocalization String (ChatterAbilityVocalization) | The VO set to use when the ability is triggered."NoVocalization" |
Icon String | The icon to display for the ability in the UI."GUI/Icons/*. |
UsageType String (CooldownType) | Indicates which event type needs to happen before an ability can be used again."None" |
UsageValue Int32 | Depending on the Cooldown Type, the number of uses available, or the resource cost.0 |
AbilityClassID Guid (CharacterClassGameData) | The class this ability is associated with. Leave empty for abilities that are not associated with a class."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AbilityLevel Int32 | The level of the ability.1 |
IsPassive Boolean | Inidicates if the ability is active without a trigger."false" |
StackingRuleOverride String (EffectStackingOverride) | Rules to follow when trying to stack similar status effect types applied by this ability."Default" |
TriggerOnHit Boolean | This ability activates itself when the owner is hit."false" |
IsModal Boolean | If the caster activates a Modal ability, all other active Modal abilities from the same group are deactivated and go on cooldown. You can always deactivate a Modal ability."false" |
ModalGroupID Guid (ModalGroupGameData) | Modal grouping this ability belongs to. Does nothing unless the ability is modal."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
IsCombatOnly Boolean | Indicates if the ability can only be triggered during combat. Status effects triggered from this ability will also check this flag to remove on combat end."false" |
IsNonCombatOnly Boolean | Indicates if the ability can only be triggered outside of combat."false" |
HideFromUI Boolean | Hides this ability and its status effects from the user completely. Use for backend abilities (e.g. ChanterTrait)"false" |
ShowStatusEffects Boolean | If Hide From UI is set, overrides it for display of active status effects (HACK: use an enum instead)"false" |
HideFromCombatLog Boolean | Hides activation messages for this ability in the log."false" |
UniqueSet String (AbilityUniqueSetType) | Abilities in the same set stop other abilities in the same set that are active."None" |
NoiseLevelID Guid (NoiseLevelGameData) | How much noise is generated when the ability is activated."15743f94-1026-40b0-8e13-a667b3f66f63" |
DurationOverride Single | Override for how long (in seconds) all Status Effects associated with the Ability component will last.0 |
OverrideEmpower String (EmpowerOverride) | Overrides for the default empower rules."Default" |
ClearsOnMovement Boolean | Ability effect ends if character moves."false" |
CannotActivateWhileInStealth Boolean | Cannot activate while in Stealth mode. Useful for abilities like AttackPulseAOEs that assume you are visible or would break you out of stealth."false" |
CannotActivateWhileInvisible Boolean | Cannot activate while invisible. Useful for abilities like AttackPulseAOEs that assume you are visible."false" |
ActivationPrerequisites PrerequisiteData | The conditionals required to activate the ability. |
ApplicationPrerequisites PrerequisiteData | The conditionals required to apply. |
DeactivationPrerequisites PrerequisiteData | The conditionals required to deactivate the ability |
PowerLevelScaling GenericAbilityLevelScaling | Level scaling settings to apply to this ability. If any of these are set up, the default scale settings will not be used. |
StatusEffectKeywordsIDs Guid[] (KeywordGameData) | All status effects spawned from this attack will use this keyword list unless the status effect has a non-empty keyword list.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
StatusEffectsIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | The status effects to apply when the ability is triggered.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
RandomizeStatusEffect Boolean | Pick a random status effect to apply instead of applying all of them."false" |
VisualEffects GenericAbilityVisualEffect[] | List of visual effects the ability applies.[] |
SelfMaterialReplacementID Guid (MaterialReplacementGameData) | Replaces materials on the caster for as long as the ability is active."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AttackID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | The optional attack to apply when the ability is used."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AITargetingConditional ConditionalAndPreferences | AI will only attempt to use this ability if this conditional passes. The targeting preferences will be used when selecting a target. |
AudioEventListID Guid (AbilityAudioEventListGameData) | Reference to the ability audio event list game data."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
GrantedViaScript Boolean | Used to fix up abilities that were granted by script calls pre-3.0. You don't need to set this."false" |
Generic Ability With Extra Attack On Miss And End
Name /type | Description /example |
ExtraAttackID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Generic Ability With Primary Attack Overrides
Name /type | Description /example |
DefendedBy String (DefenseType) | "Deflect" |
Generic Talent
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, abilities table) | The localized display name of the talent.0 |
Description Int32 (string id, abilities table) | A prose description of the talent's effects.0 |
Icon String | Path to the icon for this talent."GUI/Icons/Abilities/*. |
Category String (TalentCategory) | |
AbilityMods AbilityModPairStructure[] | Collection of abilities and mods to apply to them.[] |
Data for gib effects.
Name /type | Description /example |
AttachPoint String (EffectAttachType) | The bone to spawn the gib effect at"Chest" |
Effects KeywordEffect[] | Effects to tuse for certain damage types. Will use specified effect for none or the global default effect if the types don't match.[] |
Global component that holds references to special data objects for code to access.
Name /type | Description /example |
SecondWindAbilityID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | The Second Wind ability."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
EmptyChantAbilityID Guid (ChantGameData) | The empty chant ability data."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
UnarmedProficiencyAbilityID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | The proficiency ability to grant to characters while they are unarmed with unarmed proficiency."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
MonasticUnarmedAbilityID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | Characters that have this ability qualify to receive the monk default unarmed attack."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
NormalUnarmedAttackID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | The default unarmed attack all characters will recieve."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
MonkUnarmedAttackID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | The default unarmed attack a Monk character will recieve."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
FlankedAfflictionID Guid (AfflictionGameData) | The flanked affliction"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BondedGriefAfflictionID Guid (AfflictionGameData) | The ranger Bonded Grief affliction."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ProneAfflictionID Guid (AfflictionGameData) | The Prone affliction."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
FatigueAfflictionID Guid (AfflictionGameData) | The fatigue affliction to be applied if a normal injury application fails."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
MaimedAfflictionID Guid (AfflictionGameData) | The affliction to be applied if the fatigue affliction fails."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
SlogZoneAfflictionID Guid (AfflictionGameData) | The affliction to be applied while in a slog zone. Only applies if the mover has Will Force Walk in Slog set."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DamageTypeInjuries InjuryList[] | Injuries to apply for each damage type[] |
InjuryKeywordsIDs Guid[] (KeywordGameData) | List of Injury keywords in ascending order of value.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
SpiritshiftKeywordID Guid (KeywordGameData) | The keyword for spiritshift abilities."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
InvisibleKeywordID Guid (KeywordGameData) | Keyword used to identify invisibility effects"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ImmunityKeywordID Guid (KeywordGameData) | Keyword used to identify immunity effects"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ResistanceKeywordID Guid (KeywordGameData) | Keyword used to identify resistance effects"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
WeaknessKeywordID Guid (KeywordGameData) | Keyword used to identify weakness effects"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
SpellKeywordID Guid (KeywordGameData) | Keyword used to identify spells."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BossKeywordID Guid (KeywordGameData) | Keyword used to identify bosses."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
KithGibsID Guid (GibGameData) | The gib data to use for kith (NPC Appearance) characters."39fe91da-247f-411b-ac7f-39660c843302" |
KithBloodID Guid (BloodGameData) | The blood data to use for kith (NPC Appearance) characters."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DefaultBlood String | Default blood effect to play if none can be found."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
DefaultKeywordEffects KeywordEffect[] | Default effects to play on hit for different keywords.[] |
NoneSubclassID Guid (CharacterSubClassGameData) | The "None" subclass."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
EmpowerGlossaryEntryID Guid (GlossaryEntryGameData) | The glossary entry for the Empower term."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
MoneyGlossaryEntryID Guid (GlossaryEntryGameData) | Glossary entry describing "Money"."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
SevereInjuryKeywordID Guid (KeywordGameData) | Keyword used to identify severe injuries"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
PlayShipDeepWaterUpgradeID Guid (ShipUpgradeGameData) | The upgrade that allows the player to travel in deep water (debug use)."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DefaultGhostMaterialReplacementID Guid (MaterialReplacementGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
LockpickReferenceID Guid (ItemGameData) | Reference to the generic lockpick game data."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
SummonDurationEffectID Guid (StatusEffectGameData) | Effect to show remaining summon duration."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ProfiencyEquippableDisplays GlobalDataReferencesProfiencyPairStructure[] | Collection of equippable items that are used to display information for specific profiencies.[] |
PriestClassID Guid (CharacterClassGameData) | The priest character class object."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
PaladinClassID Guid (CharacterClassGameData) | The paladin character class object."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
RangerClassID Guid (CharacterClassGameData) | The ranger character class object."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
SpoiledFoodItemID Guid (ItemGameData) | Item to replace spoiled food items with."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Global Ship Settings
Name /type | Description /example |
HungerSurvivalTable ShipCrewSurvivalState[] | Information about the different states for a crew member's hunger level.[] |
ThirstSurvivalTable ShipCrewSurvivalState[] | Information about the different states for a crew member's thirst level.[] |
BaseRepairUnitHeal Int32 | The amount of health restored by the use of a single unit of repair supplies.2 |
BaseRepairUnitUseRate Single | The rate of repair unit use. Measured in units per hour.0.25 |
CrewTraitUnlockRequirements ShipCrewLevelUpThreshold[] | Defines the XP values needed for a crewmember to reach each level.[] |
SlotPlaceholderItems ShipSlotUpgradePair[] | List of placeholder items that will be equipped in the specified slot if it's empty.[] |
MedicalSuppliesPerInjuryDay Int32 | The number of medical supplies that are consumed per injury-day of out-of-combat healing.1 |
MoraleGlossaryEntryID Guid (GlossaryEntryGameData) | Glossary entry explaining Ship Morale."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
FoodGlossaryEntryID Guid (GlossaryEntryGameData) | Glossary entry explaining Ship Morale."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DrinkGlossaryEntryID Guid (GlossaryEntryGameData) | Glossary entry explaining Ship Morale."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ShipDuelMoraleFleeInferior Int32 | Morale adjustment on fleeing from an inferior enemy in ship combat.0 |
ShipDuelMoraleFleeSuperior Int32 | Morale adjustment on fleeing from a superior enemy in ship combat.0 |
ShipDuelMoraleWinInferior Int32 | Morale adjustment on beating an inferior enemy in ship combat.0 |
ShipDuelMoraleWinSuperior Int32 | Morale adjustment on beating a superior enemy in ship combat.0 |
MoraleStates ShipMoraleState[] | List of morale states the crew can be in.[] |
ShipLootCoinToMoraleRate Int32 | The number of cp in coinage that will convert to 1 point of morale when distributing loot after ship combat.1 |
NotEnoughCrewTravelSpeedMult Single | Multiplier applied to the player's travel speed if they do not have enough crew.1 |
PlayerCaptainID Guid (ShipCaptainGameData) | Special captain object representing the player character."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
One dropdown category in the glossary.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The title of the category.0 |
MetaCategory String (GlossaryMetaCategory bitmask) | The meta category setting controls where in the UI glossary links from this category will be used."0" |
One term that has text about it in the glossary.
Name /type | Description /example |
TermCyclopedia Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | The text of the glossary term.0 |
TermGui Int32 (string id, gui table) | The text of the glossary term.0 |
DescriptionCyclopedia Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | The long description of what this term means.0 |
DescriptionGui Int32 (string id, gui table) | The long description of what this term means.0 |
DescriptionTactical Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | If set, this description will be used when Turn-Based Mode is active.0 |
CategoryID Guid (GlossaryCategoryGameData) | The category this term goes in."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ShowInJournal Boolean | Should this term be listed in the journal?"true" |
CaseSensitive Boolean | Is matching for this term case-sensitive?"false" |
AutomaticallyAddLinks Boolean | If disabled, links will not be automatically added to text for this entry."true" |
LinkedEntriesIDs Guid[] (GlossaryEntryGameData) | List of entries that are related in some way to this one.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
ParentObjectID Guid (GlossaryEntryGameData) | If set, this entry will appear underneath the specified one in the UI."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
God Challenge Component
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (GodChallengeType) | The type of this challenge."None" |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The display name of this challenge.0 |
StarsSprite String | "GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Challenges/*. |
FilledConstellationSprite String | "GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Challenges/*. |
SelectedConstellationSprite String | "GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Challenges/*. |
ActivationPrerequisites PrerequisiteData | If set, these conditions must pass for this challenge to be activated. |
DisableCheats Boolean | If set, this challenge disables 'iroll20s'"false" |
DisableMods Boolean | If set, this challenge disables mod loading."false" |
DisablesNewGameBonuses Boolean | If set, this challenge disables New Game Bonuses (Berath's Blessings)."false" |
AddAbilityToPartyID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | Adds the specified ability to each party member."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CannotFleeCombat Boolean | If set, combat will not end after fleeing from enemies."false" |
CannotPause Boolean | If set, the player can't pause the game."false" |
CannotSlow Boolean | If set, the player cannot use a slower-than-normal combat speed."false" |
ExperienceMultiplier Single | Multiplies all experience gained by the party.1 |
EnemyLevelMultiplier Single | Multiplies the base level of all enemies. This is done parallel to other level scaling.1 |
ExpertMode Boolean | If set, this challenge forces Expert mode."false" |
TrialOfIron Boolean | If set, this challenge forces Trial of Iron."false" |
PathOfTheDamned Boolean | If set, this challenge forces Path of the Damned difficulty."false" |
LevelScalingOnlyUp Boolean | If set, this challenge forces Level Scaling and Only Up."false" |
ProhibitPartyMembers Boolean | If set, the player cannot recruit party members."false" |
EnableEquipmentWear Boolean | If set, equipment will degrade with use."false" |
FogRevealRadiusBonus Single | Bonus applied to party member fog-of-war reveal radius. Applies at night and indoors on maps that are not "Well Lit".0 |
WellLitFogRevealRadiusBonus Single | Bonus applied to party member fog-of-war reveal radius. Applies at night and indoors on maps that are "Well Lit".0 |
AdditionalEffectStrings GuiDatabaseString[] | Strings for effects of this Challenge that don't have automatic strings (such as the Add Ability To Party)[] |
UIOrder Int32 | Order at which to sort this item in the UI.0 |
EnableEndOfWorldCountdown Boolean | If enabled, game will end when quests arn't completed by their due date."false" |
FoodSpoils Boolean | If set, food items can spoil when this challenge is enabled."false" |
OverrideMovers Boolean | While this challenge is active, mover game data will use Override Run and Walk speeds."false" |
ShipRankModifier Int32 | This value will be added to captain and crew ranks of enemy ships while this challenge is active.0 |
PerRestResources Boolean | If set, per encounter resources bahave as per rest when this challenge is enabled."false" |
RestrictHealthRegeneration Boolean | If set, health will not be passively restored outside of combat when this challenge is enabled."false" |
OnlyPreparedMealsRest Boolean | If set, only items with a Rest Type of "Prepared Meal" on the consumable component will count as resting with food."false" |
ObfuscateNumbers Boolean | If set, hides most combat math numbers from the player."false" |
ActivatesAllChallenges Boolean | Enabling this challenge will activate all other challenges."false" |
Describes a preset graphics quality.
Name /type | Description /example |
SortOrder Int32 | The UI sort order for this setting.0 |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The display name of the setting.0 |
MSAA Int32 | Number of MSAA samples.1 |
Glow Boolean | Enable FDR glow?"false" |
AO Boolean | Enable ambient occlusion?"false" |
HQShadows Boolean | Enable high-quality shadow maps?"true" |
Buoyancy Boolean | Enable buoyant structures?"true" |
Wildlife Boolean | Enable wildlife (birds and fish)?"true" |
WeatherEffects Boolean | Enable weather effects?"true" |
Lighting Boolean | Enable lighting?"true" |
HairTransparency Boolean | Enable hair transparency?"true" |
FXAA Boolean | Enable FXAA?"true" |
FootstepEffects Boolean | Enable footstep effects?"true" |
Vegetation Boolean | Enable vegetation?"true" |
Component indicating that an Equippable is a Grimoire and storing its starting data.
Name /type | Description /example |
NPCsAutomaticallyFill Boolean | If set, any NPC holding this grimoire will try to add as many spells as possible into it."false" |
SchoolID Guid (MagicSchoolGameData) | The school of magic this grimoire is associated with."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
SpellsIDs Guid[] (GenericAbilityGameData) | List of spells that start in this grimoire.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Hazard Attack
Name /type | Description /example |
TrapPrefab String | The trap prefab to use on this hazard attack"prefabs/*. |
Heart Of Fury Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
FuryAoeRadius Single | 2 |
Component holding data on a room in an Inn.
Name /type | Description /example |
RestBonusID Guid (AfflictionGameData) | The effect granted to characters when they rest in this room."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, interactables table) | The display name for this room.0 |
Cost Int32 | The cost to rest in this room.0 |
DisplayImage String | The image to display for this room (expected dimensions are 76x96)."GUI/InnIcons/*. |
VisibilityRequirements ConditionalOnly | Requirements that must pass for this room to be visible. |
Interval Rate
Name /type | Description /example |
Interval Single | The time in seconds between each tick at this interval rate.3 |
OnlyWhileMoving Boolean | If set, the interval will only tick while the target character is moving."false" |
Collection of inventory item audio events
Name /type | Description /example |
ItemAudioEventList InventoryAudioItem[] | Audio event for every inventoy action type.[] |
General audio data for items.
Name /type | Description /example |
SharedItemSoundBank String (Wwise audio bank) | Sound bank with item sounds that are used repeatedly (always loaded). |
InventoryAudioEventListID Guid (InventoryItemAudioEventListGameData) | Reference to default inventory item audio event list."705deb97-3f84-48c8-a84b-e3c34e2d0e3a" |
An item in the world that can be collected.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, items table) | The name of the item to display to the user.0 |
DescriptionText Int32 (string id, items table) | The description of the item to display to the user.0 |
DescriptionTextTactical Int32 (string id, items table) | The override description of the item to display to the user when in Turn-Based Mode.0 |
FilterType String (ItemFilter) | The category to place the item in when displayed in the inventory screen."Misc" |
InventoryAudioEventListID Guid (InventoryItemAudioEventListGameData) | Reference to inventory item audio event list."705deb97-3f84-48c8-a84b-e3c34e2d0e3a" |
IsQuestItem Boolean | If this is set, the item cannot be sold, dropped, or otherwise lost by the player."false" |
IsIngredient Boolean | If this is set, the item is stored in the player's ingredients inventory. These can be sold."false" |
IsCurrency Boolean | If this is set, the item is a form of currency."false" |
IsAdventuringItem Boolean | If set, this item will be allowed to show as a tag when checked in conversations."false" |
IsJunk Boolean | If set, causes a red icon to appear over this item in the inventory."false" |
CanSellForFullValue Boolean | If this is set, stores buy this item from the player at its full value."false" |
MaxStackSize Int32 | The maximum number of this item that can be within a stack.1 |
NeverDropAsLoot Boolean | If this is set, the loot system will never drop this item in a container or body bag."false" |
CanBePickpocketed Boolean | Determines whether or not this item can be pickpocketed."true" |
IsUnique Boolean | If this is set, the UI will identify this as a unique item."false" |
Value Int32 | The base of the item (equivalent to the cost to purchase from a default shop).0 |
IconTextureSmall String | The small image to use for the item."GUI\Icons\Items/*. |
IconTextureLarge String | The large image to use for the item. Dimensions are not restricted (standard is 100x100)."GUI\Icons\Items/*. |
PencilSketchTexture String | Path to a large pencil-sketch image of the item"GUI\ItemSketches/*. |
InspectOnUseButton UsableItemData[] | When you inspect this item, you can customize a button with scripts.[] |
IsPlaceholder Boolean | If set, this item will be immediately destroyed when removed from a slot."false" |
Holds a list of items.
Name /type | Description /example |
ItemsIDs Guid[] (ItemGameData) | The list of items.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Modifactions that can be applied to an item externally.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, itemmods table) | The name of the modification displayed to the player.0 |
HideFromUI Boolean | Hides this item mod from the player."false" |
EnchantCategory String (EnchantCategory) | The type of enchantment placed on the item."None" |
Cost Int32 | The amount needed in order to purchase the item.0 |
CursesItem Boolean | Indicates if the item becomes cursed when the modification is applied."false" |
DurabilityDamage Single | The amount of durability damage this mod is applied at.0 |
StatusEffectsOnEquipIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | Apply these status effects when the item is equipped.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
StatusEffectsOnLaunchIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | The status effects to apply to the attacker when launching an attack with this weapon or shield.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
StatusEffectsOnAttackIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | The status effects to apply to the victim of the attack on impact.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
AbilityModsOnEquipIDs Guid[] (AbilityModGameData) | The ability mods to apply when the item is equipped.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
OnEquipVisualEffects ItemVisualEffect[] | When the item is equipped, play these visual effect on the item.[] |
DamageProcs DamageProc[] | Additional damage bonuses to be applied.[] |
AbilitiesOnEquipIDs Guid[] (GenericAbilityGameData) | Grant these abilities when the item is equipped.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Stores data related to the item wear/repair system.
Name /type | Description /example |
WeaponDamageModsIDs Guid[] (ItemModGameData) | Weapon damage mods, in order of ascending severity.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
WeaponDestroyThreshold Single | Weapons are destroyed when they have at least this many wear points.0 |
ShieldDamageModsIDs Guid[] (ItemModGameData) | Shield damage mods, in order of ascending severity.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
ShieldDestroyThreshold Single | Shields are destroyed when they have at least this many wear points.0 |
ArmorDamageModsIDs Guid[] (ItemModGameData) | Armor damage mods, in order of ascending severity.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
ArmorDestroyThreshold Single | Armor is destroyed when it has at least this many wear points.0 |
BrokenWeaponItemID Guid (ItemGameData) | Item to replace broken weapons with."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BrokenShieldItemID Guid (ItemGameData) | Item to replace broken shields with."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BrokenArmorItemID Guid (ItemGameData) | Item to replace broken armor with."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Name /type | Description /example |
GuiDisplayString Int32 (string id, gui table) | The display name of the keyword (GUI table).0 |
AbilitiesDisplayString Int32 (string id, abilities table) | The display name of the keyword (Abilities table).0 |
Description Int32 (string id, abilities table) | A description of the keyword.0 |
OverridePluralEffect Int32 (string id, gui table) | 0 |
Icon String | The icon associated with this keyword."GUI/Icons/Keywords/*. |
TintableIcon String | The tintable icon associated with this keyword, if any."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
Legacy History Mapping
Name /type | Description /example |
DefaultHistories LegacyHistoryMappingStructure[] | [] |
Parameters for modifying weather lightning.
Name /type | Description /example |
LightningType String (LightningType) | Type of lightning (none, thunder, or thunder and lightning)."None" |
LightningDistance String (DistanceType) | Only used to determine lightning audio delay. Near lightning occurs in the scene, distant lightning appears outside of the scene."VeryNear" |
LightningStrengthType String (WeatherSettingsStrengthType) | Determines frequency of lightning strikes."Inactive" |
Linked Effect Ability
Loading Screen List
Name /type | Description /example |
LoadingScreenGroups LoadingScreensGroup[] | [] |
LoadingScreenImages LoadingScreenImage[] | A collection of loading screen images[] |
This data is used for loading screens.
Name /type | Description /example |
LoadScreenImage String | The image displayed for the load screen (expected dimensions are 1920x1440)."Art/LoadingScreens/*. |
Contains the items to drop when loot is spawned.
Name /type | Description /example |
Conditional ConditionalOnly | Conditional needs to pass for loot to drop on this list. |
OutputChance Single | The chance that this loot list will spawn any items. Is used regardless of what "Output Mode" is set to.1 |
OutputMode String (LootListOutputMode) | How the loot list will select which entries to output."All" |
Items LootItem[] | The items to potentially drop.[] |
Magic School Component
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The display name of this school.0 |
GrimoireNugget String | The icon nugget to use in the grimoire."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Grimoire/*. |
Component holding metadata about one scene in the game.
Name /type | Description /example |
MapType String (MapType) | Enum value for the scene."None" |
SceneName String | The name of the Unity scene."" |
Path String | The project path of the scene."Scenes/*. |
ScenesToPreloadIDs Guid[] (MapGameData) | List of scene that should be preloaded when this scene is active.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
LoadScreenID Guid (LoadScreenGameData) | The load screen to use for this scene."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DiscordImageKey String | "lg_defaultscene" |
GrantsExplorationXp Boolean | If set, this map grants xp the first time the player enters it."true" |
AudioDataID Guid (AudioSceneGameData) | Audio data for the scene."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
WeatherForecastID Guid (WeatherForecastGameData) | Weather forecast for this map. Every zone map data should have a weather forecast. You can override the zone weather by setting the weather forecast on the scene map data."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CanCamp Boolean | Should the player be allowed to camp on this map?"false" |
CanAccessStash Boolean | Should the player be allowed free access to the stash in this map?"false" |
Interior Boolean | Whether this is an interior or exterior scene."false" |
IsWellLit Boolean | If set, the fog-of-war reduction from challenges will be lessened on this map."false" |
IsSeaMap Boolean | Is this scene an above-decks ocean map with player/enemy ships?"false" |
IsRandomEncounterMap Boolean | Is this scene for a random encounter?"false" |
IsCritPathArea Boolean | Determines whether creatures in the area level scale with crit path scaling values."false" |
HasShipCrew Boolean | True if this scene requires the ship crew objects to be loaded because they may need to be spawned in visually or they may need to be accessed via scripting."false" |
ShowOnCityMap Boolean | If set, this map will show in the City Map when its zone is selected."false" |
CityMapOverrideName Int32 (string id, maps table) | If set, this is the name that will be used for the area in the City Map UI.0 |
StoryTimeSpawnSetting String (GameDifficulty) | Story Time mode will use this difficulty when spawning encounters on this map."Easy" |
OverridePlayerLevelBasedScalingTableID Guid (CharacterLevelScalingTableGameData) | Use this level scaling table for this map instead of the default global player level table."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
OverridePartySizeBasedScalingTableID Guid (PartySizeLevelScalingTableGameData) | Use this level scaling table for this map instead of the default party size global table."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ExpectedPlayerLevel Int32 | What level do we expect the player to be when first traversing this map. This will be used to evaluate if creatures need their levels scaled. (-1 means use no player level scaling)-1 |
ExpectedPartySize Int32 | What party size do we expect the player's when first traversing this map. This will be used to evaluate if creatures need their levels scaled. (-1 means use no party based level scaling)-1 |
AdditiveSceneLayersIDs Guid[] (MapGameData) | Additional Scene Layers that can be loaded (say, as an expansion extention)["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
IncludedInBeta Boolean | "false" |
CanStartDLC Boolean | If true, new DLC can be triggered from this map."true" |
SceneTransitionFadeColor String (SceneFadeColorType) | The game will fade in/out of this color when transitioning to/from this map"Black" |
A teleport attack, but hits all characters along the teleport path with the attack.
A way to replace the properties of a material.
Name /type | Description /example |
Material String | Replace the current material with this material."art/*. |
ReplaceColor Boolean | Should the color value of the material be replaced."false" |
ReplaceNormal Boolean | Should the normal map value of the material be replaced."false" |
ReplaceEmissive Boolean | Should the emissive value of the material be replaced."false" |
ReplaceTint Boolean | Should the tint value of the material be replaced."false" |
SearchSkeleton Boolean | If true, the material replacement will also search through the skeleton transforms for renderers to replace."false" |
Component for groups of teams.
Name /type | Description /example |
TeamListIDs Guid[] (TeamGameData) | List of teams that belong to this meta team.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Minor Blights Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
WeaponPrefabsIDs Guid[] (EquippableGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Mirror Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
NumberOfCopies Int32 | 1 |
Holds data about a grouped set of modal abilities.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of this group.0 |
MustBeActive Boolean | If set, a modal from this group must be active at all times."false" |
Mod Script Hook Component
Name /type | Description /example |
RunOnlyOnce Boolean | If set, the hook will only run once per savegame."false" |
SucceedOnlyOnce Boolean | If set, the script will only be run until it succeeds once."false" |
Script ConditionalAndScripts | The scripts to run. |
Individual mover settings.
Name /type | Description /example |
Radius Single | Radius of mover.0.5 |
Acceleration Single | Mover acceleration.1024 |
AnimationRunSpeed Single | Mover animation run speed.4 |
AnimationWalkSpeed Single | Mover animation walk speed.2 |
RunSpeed Single | Mover run speed.4 |
WalkSpeed Single | Mover walk speed.2 |
RunSpeedChallengeOverride Single | The mover speed to use if an active challenge overrides run speed (used by Ondra's Challenge)-1 |
WalkSpeedChallengeOverride Single | The mover speed to use if an active challenge overrides walk speed (used by Ondra's Challenge)-1 |
ClipThroughObstacles Boolean | Whether the mover can pass directly through obstacles."false" |
CanFly Boolean | Whether the mover can fly (use fly NavMesh in addition to walk NavMesh)."false" |
CanJump String (JumpType) | Whether the character can jump."Default" |
OverrideDefaultRotationRates Boolean | If checked, overrides mover rotation rates with below values."false" |
StationaryInCombatRotationRate Single | Rotation rate (degrees/second) when mover is stationary.960 |
StationaryOutOfCombatRotationRate Single | Rotation rate (degrees/second) when mover is stationary.480 |
MovingRotationRate Single | Rotation rate (degrees/second) when mover is moving.720 |
MovingSubtleRotationRate Single | WARNING - avoid changing this if possible - Subtle rotation rate (degrees/second) when mover is moving.180 |
MovingSubtleRotationThreshold Single | WARNING - avoid changing if possible - Angle (degrees) at which subtle rotation rate is used.38 |
SlogForceWalk Boolean | If this mover is in a slog zone, it will force walk if applicable"true" |
SlogVFX Boolean | If this mover is in a slog zone, it will spawn a VFX trail if applicable."true" |
Music Event (WWise State)
Name /type | Description /example |
Track String (Wwise state) | The music track to play (WWise State) |
New Game Bonus
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayString Int32 (string id, gui table) | 0 |
Cost Int32 | 0 |
DisabledChallengesAndAchievementsIDs Guid[] (ChallengeGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
ScriptsToRun ScriptsOnly | |
WhenToRunScripts String (NewGameBonusActivationMethod) | "OnPrologueComplete" |
New Game Bonus Group
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayString Int32 (string id, newgamebonuses table) | 0 |
DescriptionString Int32 (string id, newgamebonuses table) | 0 |
DisabledAchievementsAndChallengesIDs Guid[] (ChallengeGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
WhenToRunScripts String (NewGameBonusActivationMethod) | "OnPrologueComplete" |
Bonuses NewGameBonus[] | [] |
IsChallenge Boolean | "false" |
New Game Settings
Name /type | Description /example |
NewGameStartMapID Guid (MapGameData) | This is the map that will be loaded when pressing New Game"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
NewGamePartyID Guid (DebugPartySetupGameData) | This is the party configuration that will be used when pressing New Game"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
LegacyHistoryScriptedInteractionID Guid (Conversation) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BackerBetaStartingMapID Guid (MapGameData) | This is the map that will be loaded when pressing New Game (in Backer Beta mode)"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BackerBetaPartyID Guid (DebugPartySetupGameData) | This is the party configuration that will be used when pressing New Game (in Backer Beta mode)"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
NewGameShortcutMapID Guid (MapGameData) | This is the map that will be loaded when pressing New Game Shortcut"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Noise Level Component
Name /type | Description /example |
Name Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of this noise level.0 |
Radius Single | Radius in which this noise can be heard (meters).0 |
NPCAppearance Options
Name /type | Description /example |
NudeBodyVisualData String | Visual data for the npc nude bodies"prefabs/*. |
SubraceAppearanceDatas SubraceAppearanceData[] | [] |
MaleHairLists HairLists | |
FemaleHairLists HairLists | |
MajorColorList Color[] | [] |
TattooColorList Color[] | [] |
Audio event list for OCL objects
Name /type | Description /example |
OpenAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | audio event to play when the object is opened |
CloseAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | audio event to play when the object is closed |
LockedAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | audio event to play when the object attempts to open but is locked |
UnlockedAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | audio event to play when the object is unlocked |
Maps the old Background enum to new BackgroundGameData objects.
Name /type | Description /example |
Mappings BackgroundToBackgroundGameData[] | Mappings from the old enum to the new game data.[] |
Maps the old CharacterClass enum to new CharacterClassGameData objects.
Name /type | Description /example |
Mappings CharacterClassToCharacterClassGameData[] | Mappings from the old enum to the new game data.[] |
One Stands Alone Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
MinEnemiesForBonus Int32 | 2 |
OVS Audio Event List
Name /type | Description /example |
States VisualStateAudio[] | List of states with audio events[] |
OVS Component Data
Name /type | Description /example |
States VisualState[] | Collection of visual states.[] |
AudioEventListID Guid (OVSAudioEventListGameData) | Audio events for this OVS"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Contains data about one paladin order in the game.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, factions table) | The name of the order.0 |
PositiveDispositionsIDs Guid[] (DispositionGameData) | List of dispositions this order reacts positively to.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
NegativeDispositionsIDs Guid[] (DispositionGameData) | List of dispositions that this order reacts negatively to.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Paladin Sub Class
Name /type | Description /example |
PaladinOrderID Guid (PaladinOrderGameData) | The order associated with this subclass."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Party Size Level Scaling Table
Name /type | Description /example |
ExpectedPartySizeLevelAdjustments LevelScalingRule[] | [] |
Defines animation parameters for personalities
Name /type | Description /example |
Value Int32 | Parameter value for this personality animation0 |
AvailableInCharacterCreation Boolean | Determines whether a personality is visible during Character Creation."false" |
LocalizedName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized database string for a personality.0 |
Name /type | Description /example |
Icon String | "GUI/Icons/Abilities/Chanter//*. |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, abilities table) | 0 |
AbilityClassID Guid (CharacterClassGameData) | The class this phrase belongs to."b4a0f1d1-b8f7-47e7-b899-99e478004a37" |
Description Int32 (string id, abilities table) | 0 |
Vocalization String (ChatterAbilityVocalization) | Vocalization to play on the phrase"ChanterChant1" |
Level Int32 | 1 |
DefendedBy String (DefenseType) | "None" |
StatusEffectKeywordsIDs Guid[] (KeywordGameData) | All status effects spawned from this attack will use this keyword list unless the status effect has a non-empty keyword list.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
StatusEffectsIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
HostileAttackID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | If set, this attack will be launched at each enemy affected by the phrase."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
OnChanterVisualEffectPath String | "prefabs/*. |
ChanterVisualEffectAttach String (EffectAttachType) | "Root" |
Player Named Feature
Metadata for one voice the player can select.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The display name for this voice.0 |
SpeakerReferenceID Guid (SpeakerGameData) | The SpeakerGameData this voice set uses."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Conditionals ConditionalOnly | List of conditionals that the user must meet in order to display this voice set. |
Has data about the god boons granted in PoE1.
Name /type | Description /example |
Boons PoE1GodBoonStructure[] | List of god boons from PoE1.[] |
The GUI settings associated with a point of interest.
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (PointOfInterestType) | The type of point of interest."None" |
Icon String | The image to show when the point of interest first appears."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/AreaMap/*. |
VisitedIcon String | The image to show after the point of interest has been interacted with."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/AreaMap/*. |
XPIcon String | The image to show if the point of interest awards experience for disconvery."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/AreaMap/*. |
Arrow String | The image to show next to the icon if indicating a direction that points towards the point of interest."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/AreaMap/*. |
AlwaysShowText Boolean | If checked, text will always be displayed instead of only being displayed on mouse hover."false" |
UseFriendlyColorForIcon Boolean | If checked, the icon will use the friendly color specified in the in game HUID,"false" |
General data for audio system positioning.
Name /type | Description /example |
OcclusionFadeInRate Single | Rate at which occlusion transitions from fully occluded to not occluded.0 |
OcclusionFadeOutRate Single | Rate at which occlusion transitions from not occluded to fully occluded.0 |
PanningParam String | Name of RTPC that represents panning (between -100 and 100)."" |
ListenerPositionSmoothingRate Single | Rate at which listener moves from current position to goal position.0 |
Powder Burns Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
AttackPistolID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AttackArquebusID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AttackBlunderbussID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
PistolEffectDuration Single | 0 |
ArquebusEffectDuration Single | 0 |
BlunderbussEffectDuration Single | 0 |
Parameters for modifying weather precipitation.
Name /type | Description /example |
PrecipitationType String (PrecipitationType) | Type of precipitation (none, rain, snow, or hail)."None" |
PrecipitationStrengthType String (WeatherStrengthType) | Strength of precipitation."Inactive" |
PrecipitationStrength Single | Precipitation strength (on a scale of 0 to 1).0 |
Priest Sub Class Component
Name /type | Description /example |
DeityID Guid (DeityGameData) | The deity associated with this priest subclass."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Holds global data for progression tables.
Name /type | Description /example |
RacialProgressionTableID Guid (ClassProgressionTableGameData) | Progression table containing racial abilities."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ProficienciesProgressionTableID Guid (ClassProgressionTableGameData) | Progression table containing weapon proficiencies."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ClassTables ClassProgressionTable[] | Progression tables for each class.[] |
CharacterCreationAttributePoints Int32 | Total number of attribute points available to the player at character creation.0 |
CharacterCreationMaxAttributeGulf Int32 | Maximum number of points apart any two attributes can be.0 |
CharacterCreationAttributeMinimum Int32 | The minimum value of a single attribute at character creation.0 |
CharacterCreationAttributeMaximum Int32 | The maximum value of a single attribute at character creation.0 |
CharacterCreationBaseStat Int32 | The starting value for each attribute at character creation.0 |
Base class for an object that is unlockable through progression tables.
Collection of promotional items to be granted in game.
Name /type | Description /example |
PromotionalItemCollections PromotionalItemCollectionStructure |
Data for character props
Name /type | Description /example |
PrimaryPropID Guid (EquippableGameData) | Item to place in the character's primary hand."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
SecondaryPropID Guid (EquippableGameData) | Item to place in the character's secondary hand."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Overrides for each quest's experience in the game
Name /type | Description /example |
QuestData QuestExperienceTableRow[] | The data for this quest experience table.[] |
Strings QuestExperienceTableRegionStringSetStructure[] | The display information used in the journal.[] |
Contains stats for a given race.
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (Race) | The kind of race for these stats."None" |
IsKith Boolean | Is this race considered a "kith" race?"false" |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of the race.0 |
DisplayNamePlural Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized plural display name of the race.0 |
SummaryText Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | A short (1-2 sentence) description of this race.0 |
DescriptionText Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized long description text for this race.0 |
Icon String | The icon representing this race."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
Resolve Int32 | Resolve ability adjustment.0 |
Might Int32 | Might ability adjustment.0 |
Dexterity Int32 | Dexterity ability adjustment.0 |
Intellect Int32 | Intellect ability adjustment.0 |
Constitution Int32 | Constitution ability adjustment.0 |
Perception Int32 | Perception ability adjustment.0 |
CharacterCreationSubracesIDs Guid[] (SubraceGameData) | List of subraces for this race that are valid at character creation.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
A category recipes can belong to.
Name /type | Description /example |
Category String (EnchantCategory) | The enum value for the category."None" |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, recipes table) | The display name of the category.0 |
SkillRequirement SkillValue | Required skill and skill level to craft recipes in this category. |
Data for a recipe the player can craft.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, recipes table) | The display name for the recipe.0 |
CraftingLocation String (CraftingLocation) | A specific location the player must be at to craft the item."None" |
CategoryID Guid (RecipeCategory) | The category of the recipe."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
VisibilityConditions ConditionalOnly | Conditions that must be met for the player to see the recipe. |
CreationConditions ConditionalOnly | Conditions that must be met for the player to craft this recipe. |
Cost Int32 | The amount of money it takes to craft this recipe.0 |
CostByValueMultiplier Single | Multiplies the item's value by this amount and adds it to the cost.0 |
Double2HIngredientCost Boolean | When true, recipe ingredient quantities will be doubled for two-handed weapons."true" |
CanModifyWeapons Boolean | If set, this recipe can apply its item mods to weapons."false" |
CanModifyArmor Boolean | If set, this recipe can apply its item mods to armor."false" |
CanModifyShields Boolean | If set, this recipe can apply its item mods to shields."false" |
CanModifySpecificItemsIDs Guid[] (EquippableGameData) | List of specific items this recipe can be applied to.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Ingredients RecipeIngredient[] | List of ingredients required to craft the recipe.[] |
Output RecipeProduct[] | List of items produced by the recipe.[] |
PrerequisiteItemModID Guid (ItemModGameData) | If set, this mod must be on the item in order to craft this recipe."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ItemModsToAddIDs Guid[] (ItemModGameData) | List of item mods that the recipe adds to an item.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
ItemModsToRemoveIDs Guid[] (ItemModGameData) | List of item mods that will be removed from the original item.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Recovery Time
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of this speed.0 |
Duration Single | The base recovery duration.1 |
Data for different reputation ranks.
Name /type | Description /example |
Title Int32 (string id, factions table) | The string to use as the title for this reputation rank.0 |
Rank Int32 | The rank of this reputation.0 |
RankType String (RankType) | The enumeration for this rank type."Default" |
PositiveValue Int32 | The index on the positive axis of the grid that represents this rank.0 |
NegativeValue Int32 | The index on the negative axis of the grid that represents this rank.0 |
ForceRelationChange Boolean | Determines if this reputation rank forces a relationship change (friendly/hostile) with the player, assuming Reputation Can Change Relationship is set on the faction."false" |
CallFactionScripts Boolean | If set, the associated faction will call any set scripts for this Rank Type when reaching this rank"false" |
VendorRatesID Guid (VendorRatesGameData) | Rates that will be used by faction vendors when the player's reputation is at this rate."bd6efb6b-45e0-477f-b80e-95931b37fa53" |
Values that represent different reputation thresholds.
Name /type | Description /example |
Axis String (Axis) | The axis for this set of thresholds."Positive" |
Thresholds Float[] | Thresholds for each reputation rank.[] |
Righteous Soul Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
ResistedKeywordsIDs Guid[] (KeywordGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
ResistedStatusEffectsIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
ResistedDefenseAdjustment Int32 | 15 |
ResistedDurationAdjustment Single | -5 |
Riposte Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
RiposteOnMissChance Single | The chance that this character will riposte when Missed.0.2 |
RiposteOnGrazeChance Single | The chance that this character will riposte when Grazed.0.3 |
Safeguard Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
SafeguardDuration Single | 30 |
StaminaTriggerPercent Single | 0.5 |
AoeProneAttackID Guid (AttackAOEGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Save Game Import Data
Name /type | Description /example |
AbilitiesOrTalentsToSearchFor LegacyGlobalVariableData[] | [] |
A series of time slices that makes up a daily schedule.
Name /type | Description /example |
TimeSlices TimeSliceStructure[] | The time segments that comprise a daily schedule.[] |
Holds data about one image that can be shown in a scripted interaction.
Name /type | Description /example |
Image String | The image to show."GUI/InteractionPortraits/*. |
TextStyle String (ScriptedInteractionTextStyle) | How the text related to this image should be displayed."TopLeft" |
Player and party settings to use while testing scripts.
Name /type | Description /example |
Gender String (Gender) | The player's gender."Male" |
RaceID Guid (RaceGameData) | The player's race."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Subrace String (Subrace) | The player's subrace."None" |
CultureID Guid (CultureGameData) | The player's culture."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BackgroundID Guid (BackgroundGameData) | The player's background."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DeityID Guid (DeityGameData) | The player's deity."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
PaladinOrderID Guid (PaladinOrderGameData) | The player's paladin order."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Classes ScriptingProfileClassesStructure | The character classes of the player. |
Attributes ScriptingProfileAttributesStructure[] | The attributes of the player.[] |
Skills ScriptingProfileSkillsStructure | The skill levels of the player. |
Dispositions ScriptingProfileDispositionsStructure | The disposition ranks of the player. |
Companions ScriptingProfileCompanionsStructure | The companions currently in the party. |
Difficulty String (GameDifficulty) | The game difficulty."Normal" |
CurrentHourOfDay Int32 | The hour of the current time of day.12 |
Shared Target Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
ShareTarget String (ShareTargetTypes) | Caster will apply status effects when attacking if the target is threatened by this"AnimalCompanion" |
Audio event list for specific shield.
Name /type | Description /example |
SwitchAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when shield is switched to (via weapon sets). |
EquipAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when shield is equipped (unholstered). |
HolsterAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when weapon is holstered. |
Stats for a protective shield.
Name /type | Description /example |
ShieldType String (ShieldType) | The category of shield."Small" |
AttachmentType String (ShieldAttachmentType) | The attachment point where to link the shield on the character."Arm" |
AnimationStanceID Guid (AnimationStanceGameData) | The stance parameter value used for animations while this shield is equipped."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BaseDeflectBonus Int32 | Needs Description.10 |
BaseReflexBonus Int32 | Needs Description.2 |
BaseAccuracyBonus Int32 | Needs Description.0 |
AudioEventListID Guid (ShieldAudioEventListGameData) | Audio events associated with the shield."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Ship Attribute Component
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (ShipAttributeType) | The enum value to which this data corresponds. |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The localized display name of the attribute.0 |
Icon String | The icon associated with this attribute."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
Ship Captain Component
Name /type | Description /example |
ShipID Guid (ShipGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
TraitID Guid (ShipCrewTraitGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CaptainPrefab String | Prefab for the opposing captain"*. |
FactionID Guid (FactionGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
PersonalitiesIDs Guid[] (ShipCrewPersonalityGameData) | Personalities that can be used to determine the AI behavior of the captain during combat.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
AIWeights ShipDuelAIWeights | Set of weights representing the captain's objectives in combat. |
ShipSunkLootListID Guid (LootListGameData) | Loot list to grant to the player for sinking this captain."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
TetherDistance Single | How far this captain's ship can go from it's patrol path before tethering back.10 |
TriggerDistance Single | How far this captain's ship needs to be before it triggers an encounter.2.5 |
PerceptionDistance Single | If the player is any closer to this captain's ship than this specified value, the ship will aggro towards the player if hostile.0 |
MoverReferenceID Guid (MoverGameData) | Reference to the mover game data that this captain's ship should be using."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Conditionals ConditionalOnly | Conditionals for whether this captain's ship should be showing or not after encounters or level loads. |
PointOfInterestIcon String | Icon to be used if this captain is represented as a point of interest on the map."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/*. |
Data component for ships
Name /type | Description /example |
ShipPrefab String | The prefab of this ship to use"Prefabs/Ships/*. |
NameplateFBX String | The nameplate prefab for this ship"Art/Ships_New/Props/Name_Plates//*. |
ShipType String (ShipType) | Category of this ship"None" |
WorldMapModelVisualData String | The model visual data to use for this type of ship on the world map."*. |
MinimumCrewSize Int32 | If the ship has less crew than this, it will receive harsh penalties.0 |
Slots ShipUpgradeSlotDefinition[] | List of available upgrade slots on this ship.[] |
Actions ShipActionData[] | Data on each action this ship can take.[] |
MovementEffects ShipMovementEffect[] | Visual effects to spawn for each movement type.[] |
WorldMapMovementEffect String | Visual effect to attach to the ship on the world map."Prefabs/Effects/*. |
MinimumDeckhandRanks Int32 | The ship will move at half speed if it doesn't have at least this many ranks of deckhands assigned.1 |
MinimumHelmsmanRanks Int32 | The ship will have penalties if it doesn't have at least this many ranks of helmsmen assigned.1 |
CrewJobs ShipCrewJobCount[] | Number of crew members in each job this ship supports[] |
BaseStats ShipAttributeStat[] | Base stats for the standard ship combat stats[] |
SupplyLimits ShipSupplyCount[] | Upper limit of each supply that this ship can carry[] |
ShipName Int32 (string id, characters table) | Name of the ship.0 |
ShipTypeName Int32 (string id, gui table) | Display name for the type of ship0 |
ShipTypeIconMetal String | Metal icon to use to designate this ship's type."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Ships/*. |
ShipTypeIconParchment String | Parchment icon to use to designate this ship's type."GUI/WorldMap/CityMap/*. |
ShipPortrait String | Small portrait of the ship for the management screen (expected dimensions are 200x175)."GUI/NonAtlased/Ships/*. |
Defenders Int32 | Number of defenders that can be spawned for combat on this ship.0 |
SailsMajorColor Color | The default major color for the ship's sails. |
SailsMinorColor Color | The default minor color for the ship's sails. |
ShipNameColor Color | |
HullColor Color | The default hull color for the ship. |
RTPCValue Single | The value of the Ship Type RTPC for this ship.0 |
CloseToBoardDamageMultiplier Single | Multiplies Close to Board damage when this ship is closing to board.1 |
CloseToBoardDefensiveDamageMultiplier Single | Multiplies Close to Board damage when this ship is being closed on.1 |
Ship Crew Attribute Component
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (ShipCrewAttribute) | "Level" |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | 0 |
Ship Crew Job
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (ShipCrewJobType) | "Captain" |
Location String (ShipLocation) | The location on the ship where crewmembers in this job work."BelowDeck" |
JobName Int32 (string id, gui table) | Display name of the job.0 |
Icon String | The icon representing this job."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
Represents the static data needed to represent a crew member
Name /type | Description /example |
CrewPrefab String | The prefab associated with this crew member"*. |
CharacterStatsID Guid (CharacterStatsGameData) | Character Stats data associated with this crew member"4c2363a7-a3f9-4140-9d31-d1c0bcdb4bce" |
VisibilityConditions PrerequisiteData | Conditions listed here must pass for the crew member to be visible in the Crew Recruit Page. |
HireCost Int32 | Initial cost to hire this crew member.0 |
BaseWage Int32 | Base amount of coin it costs to pay this crew member whenever payroll is deducted.0 |
BaseFood Int32 | Base amount of food this crew member uses whenever it's eating time.0 |
BaseDrink Int32 | Base amount of drink this crew member consumes when it's drinking time.0 |
OverrideSailorTales Int32 | If this value is not 0, it will be used as your starting sailor tales instead of the value computed based on your default traits.0 |
DefaultTraits ShipCrewJobTraitStructure[] | Default crew traits this crew member has. Their starting days at sea, sailor tales, and learned traits will be computed from this as well.[] |
PersonalityIDs Guid[] (ShipCrewPersonalityGameData) | List of personality types this crew member has.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Portrait String | Portrait to use for this crew member in the ship crew UI"GUI/Portraits/*. |
Defines the personality of a crew member.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | 0 |
Icon String | The icon representing this crew personality"GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
DisqualifyAsSpeaker Boolean | If set, crew with this personality cannot be speakers in SIs."false" |
Comopnent format for ship crew traits
Name /type | Description /example |
TraitName Int32 (string id, gui table) | Display name for the crew trait0 |
Rank Int32 | Integer to track what rank this trait is.0 |
CrewAttributeMultiplier Single | How much to multiply an attribute by for crew members with this trait.0 |
CaptainAdvantageBonus Int32 | Bonus value to be applied to advantage for captain with this trait.0 |
CaptainActions Int32 | The number of actions a captain of this rank gets.1 |
SurgeonHealAmount Single | Amount of in-combat healing given by a surgeon with this level. 1 = 1 crewman per round.0 |
SurgeonRecoveryRateMultiplier Single | Out-of-combat recovery rate multiplier granted by a surgeon of this skill.1 |
CannoneerEventChance Single | The chance that a cannoneer of this rank will inflict an event.0 |
BoatswainEventRateMultiplier Single | Multiplies the rate at which the crew fixes critical events.1 |
CookFoodConsumedMultiplier Single | Food consumption multiplier granted by a cook of this level.1 |
NavigatorTravelSpeedMult Single | Multiplier applied to the ship's travel speed by a navigator of this rank.1 |
Icon String | The icon for this trait, on a crewmember."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
CaptainIcon String | The icon for this trait, on a captain."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
Describes a type of ammo that can be loaded into cannons in ship duels.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The display name of the ammo type.0 |
Description Int32 (string id, gui table) | Localized description of what this ammo does.0 |
Icon String | The icon that represents the ammo type."GUI\Icons\GameSystems/*. |
IsStandard Boolean | Standard ammo types are ones that are available by default."false" |
UIOrder Int32 | Ammo types in UI elements are sorted by this value, ascending.0 |
DamageTypes ShipDuelDamageTypeWeight[] | Collection of weighted damage types that can be dealt by this ammunition.[] |
Ship Duel Audio Settings Component
Name /type | Description /example |
HullDamageRange Range1DStructure | The possible range of hull damage values. |
SailDamageRange Range1DStructure | The possible range of sail damage values. |
CrewDamageRange Range1DStructure | The possible range of crew damage values. |
FullSailEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Full Sail action. |
HalfSailEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Half Sail action. |
BoardEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Board action. |
HoldEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Hold action. |
TurnStarboardEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Turn Starboard action. |
TurnPortEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Turn Port action. |
TurnReverseEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Turn Reverse action. |
FireCannonsEvents String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Fire Cannons action. |
ReportEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Report action. |
BraceForImpactEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Brace for Impact action. |
RamEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when a ship does a Ram. |
FireCannonIndividualEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired for each individual cannon fired. |
CannonMissEvent String (Wwise event) | Event fired when an individual cannon misses the target. |
CannonDamageEvent String (Wwise event) | Event fired when a ship receives damage from cannonfire. |
RamDamageEvent String (Wwise event) | Event fired when a ship receives damage from ramming. |
OtherDamageEvent String (Wwise event) | Event fired when a ship receives damage from other sources. |
DamageEventJumpstart ThresholdValue[] | Time (in seconds) to play damage sounds before the display of the associated message. Selected based on range.[] |
FleeEvent String (Wwise event) | Event Fired When the Ship Attempts to Flee |
Object containing data about a type of Event that can occur in a ship duel.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, shipduel table) | The localizable display name of the event.0 |
ApplicationNotification Int32 (string id, shipduel table) | Message printed when this event is applied.0 |
Location String (ShipLocation) | The location where this event takes place."BelowDeck" |
SupersedesIDs Guid[] (ShipDuelEventGameData) | List of events that are superseded by this one.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Icon String | The icon for the event."GUI\Images\InGameHUD\Ships\Tinted/*. |
CrewCapacity Int32 | The maximum number of crewmen that can be assigned to this event.4 |
TurnsToResolve Int32 | The number of turns it takes one unaided crewmember to resolve the event.12 |
Effects ShipDuelEventEffect[] | The effects this event has each round.[] |
OnResolveEffects ShipDuelEventEffect[] | The effects this event has when it's resolved.[] |
AudioEventStart String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when this event starts. |
AudioEventResolved String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when this event is resolved. |
AudioEventApplied String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when this event applies its effects. |
AudioEventProgress String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired when progress is made toward resolving this event. |
AudioEventLoop String (Wwise event) | Audio event left on as long as the event is active. |
AudioEventLoopFadeOut Single | The length of the fade out for the Loop audio event.1 |
Ship Duel Event Settings Component
Name /type | Description /example |
EventTypeData ShipDuelEventData[] | Metadata for each ship duel event type.[] |
Ship Duel Image Component
Name /type | Description /example |
Images ShipDuelDamageImage[] | List of images to display based on damage state[] |
ShipType String (ShipType) | Ship type for images"None" |
Distances String (ShipDistance bitmask) | Distances to use these images for"0" |
Ship Duel Settings
Name /type | Description /example |
RakingFireDefenseBonus Single | Percentage subtracted from the base hit chance for raking fire.0 |
TurnDefenseBonus Single | Percentage subtracted from the base hit chance if the target turns.0 |
MovementDefenseBonusMultiplier Single | When a ship moves, its chance to get hit goes down by this times the distance moved.0 |
CannoneerHitChancePerLevel Single | Cannoneers grant this bonus to-hit for each cannoneer level they have.0 |
IncompententHelmsmanAccuracyBonus Int32 | Bonus to cannon accuracy applied after turning with an incompetent helmsman.0 |
JibAccuracyBonus Int32 | Value added to the ship's accuracy the turn after it jibes.0 |
CannonTooClosePenalty Single | Accuracy "bonus" applied for each meter within the minimum range of a cannon.0 |
CannonTooFarPenalty Single | Accuracy "bonus" applied for each meter outside the maximum range of a cannon.0 |
CannonMaxRangeBonus Single | Maximum bonus that will be given to a cannon at its ideal range (falls off slowly about that range).0 |
CannonHitThreshold Int32 | Cannons must roll greater than this value to hit.0 |
AdvantageMovementBonus Int32 | Bonus movement granted to the player with the advantage.0 |
IncompententDeckhandsMovementMultiplier Single | Multiplier applied to movement distance when there are not enough deckhand ranks.0 |
GlobalAIWeights ShipDuelAIWeights | Weights to apply globally to all ship captain AIs. |
RetreatDistance Int32 | The distance at which a ship will automatically retreat from a ship duel.0 |
HoldAccuracyBonus Single | Accuracy bonus granted to cannons for a turn after Holding.0 |
RammeeDamage ShipDamageData | The damage dealt to a ship that gets rammed. |
RammerDamage ShipDamageData | The damage dealt to a ship that rams another ship. |
CloseToBoardDamage ShipDamageData[] | Base damage inflicted on ships that Close to Board.[] |
MaxEvents Int32 | The maximum number of events that can be active on a single ship at the same time.0 |
InjuriesIDs Guid[] (AfflictionGameData) | List of injuries that are eligible to be applied during ship combat.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
HitPowderStoreChance Single | Chance for a ship to immediately explode on being hit.0 |
BraceForImpactInjuryPreventionChance Single | The chance that any crewmember that gets injured will instead shrug it off.0 |
RakingFireSailDamageMultiplier Single | 1 |
RakingFireHullDamageMultiplier Single | 1 |
RakingFireCrewDamageMultiplier Single | 1 |
AdvantageCannonMaxRangeMultiplier Single | Multiplies the max range of the cannons for the ship with advantage.1 |
CannonResultDelay Single | Time (seconds) between the posting of the initial cannon fire messages and the result messages.0 |
CannonInstanceDelay Single | Time (seconds) between the posting of each cannon attack result.0 |
OnFireCannons ScriptsOnly | Script event called when beginning to display cannonfire results. |
DifficultySettings ShipDuelDifficultyLevel[] | Ship duel difficulty adjustments for each difficulty level.[] |
RepairHullEventID Guid (ShipDuelEventGameData) | The Repair Hull event data object."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
RepairSailsEventID Guid (ShipDuelEventGameData) | The Repair Sails event data object."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ShipSunkExperienceMultiplier Single | Multiplies encounter experience awarded when sinking an enemy ship.1 |
ShipSunkTalesMultiplier Single | Multiplies sailor tales awarded when sinking an enemy ship.1 |
PlayerSurrenderSupplyRatio Single | On surrendering a duel, the player will lose this ratio of each supply.0 |
PlayerSurrenderMinimumFoodDrink Int32 | On surrendering a ship duel, the minimum amount of food and drink the player will lose.0 |
PlayerSurrenderMoneyRatio Single | On surrendering a ship duel, the player loses this much money.0 |
PlayerSurrenderMinimumMoney Int32 | On surrendering a ship duel, the minimum amount of money the player will lose.0 |
PlayerSurrenderSailorTales Int32 | On surrendering a ship duel, the player's crew receives this many sailor tales.0 |
CloseToBoardDamageMultPerDefenderRank Single | Multiplier applied to Close to Board damage for each rank the defending captain has above the attacker.1 |
CloseToBoardDamageMultPerAttackerRank Single | Multiplier applied to Close to Board damage for each rank the attacking captain has above the defender.1 |
PlayerFleeBasePercentage Single | The base percentage (whole number) the player has to flee45 |
PlayerFleeRankDifferenceMultiplier Single | How much the rank difference is multiplied by3 |
PlayerFleeSpeedDifferenceMultiplier Single | How much the speed difference is multiplied by0.5 |
PlayerFleeMinimumChance Single | The minimum chance (value 0 - 1) the player has to flee.0.05 |
PlayerFleeMaximumChance Single | The max chance (value 0 - 1) the player has to flee.0.95 |
IntimidateChanceBaseValue Single | 5 |
IntimidateLevelDifferenceMultiplier Single | 5 |
IntimidateDefenderDifferenceMultiplier Single | 3 |
IntimidateMoneyMultiplier Int32 | 50 |
IntimidateSupplyMultiplier Int32 | 4 |
IntimidateAdjustmentID Guid (ChangeStrengthGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
IntimidateFoodLootListID Guid (LootListGameData) | A list of food supply the player may obtain when intimidating an enemy ship. Make LL to output as "One Random"."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
IntimidateDrinkLootListID Guid (LootListGameData) | A list of water supply the player may obtain when intimidating an enemy ship. Make LL to output as "One Random"."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Component that handles the relationships between different ship factions and relationships.
Name /type | Description /example |
FactionHostilitySets ShipHostilityFactionSet[] | Set of factions and their conditionals for them to be hostile to the player.[] |
CaptainOverrides ShipHostilityCaptainOverride[] | Overrides for specific Captain's to have different hostility conditionals.[] |
Ship Item Component
Name /type | Description /example |
ShipID Guid (ShipGameData) | The ship granted by this item."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Ship Supply Component
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (ShipSupplyType) | The supply type that this data describes."Ammunition" |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | Localized display name of the supply type.0 |
Icon String | The icon associated with this ship supply."*. |
GlossaryEntryID Guid (GlossaryEntryGameData) | The glossary entry that explains this supply."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Optional component for an item that is a ship supply.
Name /type | Description /example |
SupplyType String (ShipSupplyType) | If this item is a ship supply, this is the type of supply it represents. |
SupplyValue Int32 | Amount of supply provided to the player by this item if it's a ShipSupply.0 |
Component to represent a triumph
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, characters table) | Name to display for the triumph.0 |
Icon String | Icon to display for the triumph in the UI"GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Ships/*. |
Prefab String | Flag prefab to spawn for this triumph."Art/*. |
Component to represent a trophy
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | Name to display for this trophy.0 |
Icon String | Icon to display for this trophy"GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Ships/*. |
Optional component for a ShipUpgrade that is a Cannon.
Name /type | Description /example |
IdealRangeMin Int32 | This is the optimal range for the cannon. Incurs large penalties below this range, and gradual penalties above.0 |
IdealRangeMax Int32 | The cannon stops receiving any range bonuses at this range and beyond.0 |
Damage ShipDamageData | Structure defining how much damage this cannon does when it hits. |
AllowStandardAmmoTypes Boolean | If set, the cannon can fire any "standard" ammo type."false" |
SpecialAmmoTypesIDs Guid[] (ShipDuelAmmoTypeGameData) | Special ammo types that can be loaded into this cannon.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
AmmoConsumption Int32 | Amount of ammo consumed per shot.1 |
Events ShipCannonEventData[] | List of events this cannon can inflict when it does damage.[] |
ReloadTime Int32 | How many turns it takes to reload this cannon.3 |
RTPCValue Single | Value to assign to the cannon type RTPC when using this cannon.0 |
Data for ship upgrades
Name /type | Description /example |
UpgradeType String (ShipUpgradeType) | The type this upgrade applies to."None" |
VisualData ShipUpgradeVisualData[] | Visual data to apply for given ship types[] |
WorldMapVisualData ShipUpgradeVisualData[] | Visual changes to apply to world map ships that have this upgrade.[] |
StatBonuses ShipAttributeStat[] | List of bonuses applied to the ship's stats by this upgrade[] |
Flags String (ShipUpgradeFlags bitmask) | Flags that are set for the ship when it has this upgrade."0" |
FlagIcon String | For flags, this is the larger texture displayed in the management screen."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Ships/*. |
FlagIconSmall String | For flags, this is the smaller icon used to select flags in the ship management screen."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Ships/*. |
FlagIconCombat String | For flags, this is displayed in the scripted interaction sequence."GUI/Images/InGameHUD/Ships/*. |
UpgradeDisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | Name to display for this upgrade.0 |
UpgradeDescriptionText Int32 (string id, gui table) | Description of this upgrade.0 |
Component data for sigils.
Name /type | Description /example |
Range Single | The range at which this sigil affects the party.5 |
PulseTime Single | How often this sigil pulses to attack the party.3 |
ActivationPrerequisites PrerequisiteData | Any conditions listed here must pass for the sigil to activate (Target conditions are not valid here). Sigil will deactivate if conditions are not met. |
AbilityID Guid (GenericAbilityGameData) | The attack this sigil performs."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
WardItemID Guid (ItemGameData) | The item type that acts as a ward for this sigil."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DeathEffects SigilEffects[] | Effects that will happen if the sigil is destroyed.[] |
MustDieForCombatToEnd Boolean | If true, once this sigil activates, it must be destroyed for the global combat state to end."false" |
Skill Assist Threshold
Name /type | Description /example |
AssistThresholds SkillAssist[] | List of thresholds to check when applying skill assists.[] |
Audio event list for specific skill.
Name /type | Description /example |
ScriptedInteractionCheckAudioEventList ScriptedInteractionCheckAudioEventListStructure | Audio events to play when a scripted interaction check occurs. |
Data for skills
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | Localized name of the skill0 |
Description Int32 (string id, gui table) | Localized description of the skill0 |
Icon String | The icon associated with this skill."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
ActiveSkill Boolean | Flag that separates passive and active skills"false" |
AudioEventListID Guid (SkillAudioEventListGameData) | Audio events related to this skill."cf7c7e4c-0248-47f7-88ed-faffbf904646" |
GlossaryEntryID Guid (GlossaryEntryGameData) | The glossary entry for this skill."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Skill Manager
Name /type | Description /example |
StealthSkillID Guid (SkillGameData) | The skill to use when checking the stealth skill for gameplay"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AthleticsSkillID Guid (SkillGameData) | The skill to use when checking the athletics skill for gameplay"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
MechanicsSkillID Guid (SkillGameData) | The skill to use when checking the mechanics skill for gameplay"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
SurvivalSkillID Guid (SkillGameData) | The skill to use when checking the survival skill for gameplay"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AlchemySkillID Guid (SkillGameData) | The skill to use when checking the alchemy skill for gameplay"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
HerbalismSkillID Guid (SkillGameData) | The skill to use when checking the herbalism skill for gameplay"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ArcanaSkillID Guid (SkillGameData) | The skill to use when checking the arcana skill for gameplay"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
SleightOfHandSkillID Guid (SkillGameData) | The skill to use when checking the sleight of hand skill for gameplay"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Sleight Of Hand Settings
Name /type | Description /example |
VisionModifier Int32 | Sleight of Hand skill check modifier when in vision of the target character.0 |
DetectionModifier Int32 | Sleight of Hand skill check modifier to see if the party would be detected while pickpocketing.0 |
LevelModifiers SleightOfHandLevelModifier[] | Sleight of Hand base skill check for character level.[] |
ItemModifiers SleightOfHandItemModifier[] | Sleight of Hand skill check modifiers based on item type.[] |
Audio events for slider increment/decrement.
Name /type | Description /example |
AudioEventList SliderAudioItem[] | Audio event for every slider event type.[] |
Component holding soulbind level-up information for the attached item.
Name /type | Description /example |
ProhibitUnbind Boolean | If set, the item cannot be unbound once bound."false" |
BindableClassesIDs Guid[] (CharacterClassGameData) | List of classes that the item can be bound to (if empty, can be bound to any class)["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
BindConditions ConditionalOnly | Conditional scripts that must pass to bind this item. oei_owner is the target character. |
UnlockStages SoulbindStage[] | The soulbind unlock progression will run through these in order.[] |
Owner has a chance to reflect any attack that misses his Deflection.
Name /type | Description /example |
ReflectChance Single | The chance that attacks will be reflected.0 |
Contains the display name of a character along with localization and VO info.
Name /type | Description /example |
Gender String (Gender) | The gender of the character."Male" |
ChatterFile String | The chatter file to play when chatter events are triggered on the character. This will also insert chatter VO lines for this character."chatter/*. |
ExternalChatterVOID Guid (SpeakerGameData) | The speaker whose chatter VO lines to use. When a chatter event occurs, the VO lines of this external speaker will be played. Leave blank if a chatter file has been specified."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ChatterPrefix String | The file prefix to place on VO audio files for chatter nodes. This is required if the character is voiced."" |
WwiseChatterEventOverride String | When playing chatter, pass this event to Wwise for special characters."" |
WwiseChatterVoiceOverride String | When playing chatter, pass this voice to Wwise for special characters."" |
Special Generic Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
SpecialGenericAbilityType String (SpecialGenericAbilityType) |
Stores global settings related to spellcasting.
Name /type | Description /example |
MaxSpellLevel Int32 | The maximum spell level available in the game.8 |
GrimoireMaxSpellsPerLevel Int32 | The maximum number of spells that can be in a grimoire for each level.4 |
SpellUsageType String (ConsumableUsageType) | Controls when spellcasts are reset."PerEncounter" |
Holds data about one style of displaying a status effect attack filter.
Name /type | Description /example |
FormatString Int32 (string id, gui table) | Format string to use for the filter. {0} is the effect, {1} is the filter.0 |
IntrinsicAttackFilters GuiDatabaseString[] | List of attack-filter-like strings that are intrinsic to this effect.[] |
Audio events related to a status effect.
Name /type | Description /example |
ActivateAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Audio event fired when the status effect is applied.[] |
ActiveAudioEvents LoopingSoundEvent[] | Audio event that plays while the status effect is active.[] |
ProcAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Audio event fired when the status effect procs (may occur multiple times).[] |
TriggerOnAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Audio event fired when the status effect triggers on.[] |
TriggeringAudioEvents LoopingSoundEvent[] | Audio event that plays while the status effect is triggered.[] |
TriggerOffAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Audio event fired when the status effect triggers off.[] |
DeactivateAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Audio event fired when the status effect is removed.[] |
UnloadBankDelay Single | After status effect ends, wait this duration before unloading its sound bank (to let audio events finish playing without getting cut off).2.5 |
The standard status effect component.
Name /type | Description /example |
StatusEffectType String (StatusEffectType) | What this status effect does."None" |
OverrideDescriptionString Int32 (string id, statuseffects table) | Override description string to display instead of generating one.0 |
OverrideDescriptionStringTactical Int32 (string id, statuseffects table) | Override description string to display instead of generating one. (Turn Based)0 |
UseStatusEffectValueAs String (StatusEffectChildUsageType) | Defines how the Status Effect Value effects will be used."None" |
BaseValue Single | The value of the status effect. Not used by all types.0 |
DynamicValue StatusEffectDynamicValueAdjustment | Defines an adjustment to apply to the Value dynamically based on runtime numbers. The final Value of the effect is (Dynamic Value * Multiply By) +/x Value. |
KeywordsIDs Guid[] (KeywordGameData) | Mutliple keywords for status effect usage.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
DurationType String (StatusEffectDurationType) | This determines the duration of the effect."UseDurationTime" |
Duration Single | Duration for the status effect. Can use the ability duration to override. Need to set Duration Type to Use Duration Time.1 |
MaxStackQuantity Int32 | If this effect stacks, then it will stack up to this count with status effects of the same name. 0 is no limit.0 |
ApplicationBehavior String (StatusEffectApplyBehavior) | Determines what should be done with the effect if the same effect already exists on the target."UseLongerDurationIfAlreadyApplied" |
ApplicationType String (StatusEffectApplyType) | Determines when the status effect should apply its effects."ApplyOnStart" |
IntervalRateID Guid (IntervalRateGameData) | If the Application Type is Apply on Tick or Apply Over Time, the interval at which the application should occur."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
StackedChildrenApplyEffects Boolean | Override field for forcing stacking child effects to apply effects or attacks when triggered by events."false" |
InclusionConditions ConditionalOnly | Conditionals that must pass for the status effect to be show or used at all. |
ApplicationPrerequisites PrerequisiteData | Conditionals that must pass for the status effect can be applied. |
TriggerAdjustment StatusEffectTrigger | Status effect will be activated and adjusted by this trigger. |
PowerLevelScaling StatusEffectLevelScaling | Data describing how to scale this ability based on the caster's power level. |
IsHostile Boolean | Determines if an attack, generic ability, or affliction is hostile. Hostile means red tooltip."false" |
ClearOnCombatEnd Boolean | If set, the effect will clear when combat is over."false" |
ClearOnRest Boolean | If set, the status effect will clear on ANY party rest."false" |
ClearOnFoodRest Boolean | If set, the status effect will clear when the owner rests, if they are eating."false" |
ClearWhenAttacks Boolean | If set, this effect will be cleared if the owner launches an attack."false" |
ClearOnDeath Boolean | If set, this effect will be cleared if the target is unconscious/destroyed/dead."false" |
HideFromCombatTooltip Boolean | Hides the status effect from the combat tooltip/party bar."false" |
HideFromCombatLog Boolean | Hides the status effect from display in the combat log."false" |
HideFromUI Boolean | Hides the status effect from display on any UI."false" |
HideIfNoValue Boolean | Hides the effect from all UI if it has no effective value (additive +0 or multiplier 1.0)."false" |
VisualEffects StatusEffectVisualEffect[] | Status effect visual effects to be applied during this status effect.[] |
MaterialReplacementID Guid (MaterialReplacementGameData) | A material override to apply to the target of this status effect."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AttackFilter StatusEffectAttackFilter | Values used to restrict the types of attack this bonus applies to. |
AttackTargetFilter StatusEffectAttackTargetFilter | Values used to restrict the status effect based on the target of the attack. Only valid for status effects that can use the attack filter. |
ExtraValue Single | This is an extra parameter used by some status effect types.0 |
OverridePenetration Single | If not set to zero, this effect will use this override penetration value when calculating damage.0 |
DamageTypeValue String (DamageType) | This is an extra parameter used by some status effect types."All" |
KeywordValueID Guid (KeywordGameData) | This is an extra parameter used by some status effect types."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
RaceValue String (Race) | This is an extra parameter used by some status effect types."None" |
StatusEffectTypeValue String (StatusEffectType) | This is an extra parameter used by some status effect types."None" |
ItemValueID Guid (ItemGameData) | Item to be used for summon weapon and other equipment status effects."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AfflictionTypeValueID Guid (AfflictionTypeGameData) | Affliction Type used by some particular status effects."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
StatusEffectsValueIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | A list of status effects, used by some status effect types, and by the Use Status Effect Value As setting.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
AttackValueID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | A reference to an attack, used by some status effects."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AttackOverrideValue String (OverrideAttackValue) | If this is set, the status effect will use its owner's attack for the overridden value."None" |
EventValue String (StatusEffectEventType) | This is an extra parameter used by some status effect types."OnApply" |
ClassValueID Guid (CharacterClassGameData) | A class type, used by some status effects."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
WeaponTypeValue String (WeaponType) | A weapon type, used by some status effects."None" |
AttackHitType String (HitType) | Hit type of the attack (if valid) to check for applying this status effect."None" |
SkillValueID Guid (SkillGameData) | Skill to modifiy with status effect."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AudioEventListID Guid (StatusEffectAudioEventListGameData) | Audio event list for this status effect."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BedRestDaysMinimum Int32 | Minimum number of days of bed rest needed to recover0 |
BedRestDaysMaximum Int32 | Minimum number of days of bed rest needed to recover0 |
Manager for status effect data.
Name /type | Description /example |
StatusEffectTypeData StatusEffectTypeData[] | This is the collection of data for each status effect type.[] |
StatusEffectEventTypeData StatusEffectEventTypeMetadata[] | Contains metadata on each Status Effect Event Type.[] |
KeywordToChatter StatusEffectKeywordToChatter[] | Chatter events to trigger when keywords are applied to character. (Poison for example).[] |
General audio data for status effects.
Name /type | Description /example |
SharedStatusEffectSoundBank String (Wwise audio bank) | Sound bank with status effect sounds that are used repeatedly (always loaded). |
SlogZoneParam String | Parameter to set to slog value of the zone that character is moving through."" |
Stats for detecting stealth.
Name /type | Description /example |
HearingRadius Single | Determines the range a creature can hear noise and detect stealth.8 |
VisionAngle Single | Determines the angle in degrees of the creature's vision cone for detecting stealth.90 |
VisionDistance Single | Determines the length of the creature's vision cone for detecting stealth.8 |
Global settings for stealth.
Name /type | Description /example |
HearingSuspicionRate Int32 | Percent value of the stealth suspicion rate while in the hearing radius.10 |
VisionSuspicionRate Int32 | Percent value of the stealth suspicion rate while in the vision cone.20 |
HearingMovementRatio Single | Ratio of the size of the hearing radius while a creature is moving.0.75 |
StealthDecayRate Single | Percent value to decay stealth while not under suspicion15 |
StealthDecayDelay Single | Delay in seconds before stealth meter begins to decay0.75 |
MaxSuspicionStealthAccelerationMultiplier Single | The max acceleration rate for gaining suspicion during stealth4 |
MaxSuspicionStealthDecelerationMultiplier Single | The max deceleration rate for gaining suspicion during stealth0.05 |
MinDistanceMultiplier Single | The max penalty for stealth distance (target is close)2 |
MaxDistanceMultiplier Single | The min bonus for stealth distance (target is far)0.5 |
Subrace Component
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (Subrace) | The subrace type."None" |
RaceID Guid (RaceGameData) | The race that this is a subrace for."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CanHaveHair Boolean | Can characters of this subrace have hair?"true" |
HasFaceCustomization Boolean | Do characters of this subtype have any face customization options?"true" |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The display name for this subrace.0 |
SummaryText Int32 (string id, cyclopedia table) | A short (1-2 sentence) description of this subrace.0 |
DescriptionText Int32 (string id, gui table) | The text description of the subrace.0 |
OptionalAbilityReferencesIDs Guid[] (ProgressionUnlockableGameData) | Reference to the abilities gained, in the racial progression table, for this specific subrace, used for display purposes only.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
Tactical Mode Settings
Name /type | Description /example |
MovementTimePerRound Single | The amount of movement a character can take per turn (in seconds).0 |
EffectTimePerRound Single | The amount of time ticked on timed effects per round of combat (seconds).0 |
ImmediateTimeThreshold Single | Durations under this value will advance on real time rather than turn time.0 |
TimedTurnsDuration Single | The time-out duration for player turns in Magran's god challenge.0 |
EnterCombatBaseRecovery Single | Base recovery time to assign to characters who have just entered combat.0 |
Talking Item
Name /type | Description /example |
ItemGuidString String | The unique Guid to reference this item game object"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ScriptName String | String name to use when trying to reference this item from scripts."" |
TalkingItemPrefab String | The prefab to load for the persisted talking item object."prefabs/items/*. |
SpeakerID Guid (SpeakerGameData) | Speaker data for the talking item."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Team information for FriendlyNeutral/Hostile states.
Name /type | Description /example |
FactionID Guid (FactionGameData) | The faction tied to this team."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
DefaultRelationship String (Relationship) | The default relationship this team has towards all other teams."Neutral" |
TeamType String (TeamType) | The category of the team."None" |
HostileTeamsIDs Guid[] (TeamGameData) | List of other teams which this team is hostile to.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
NeutralTeamsIDs Guid[] (TeamGameData) | List of other teams which this team is neutral to.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
FriendlyTeamsIDs Guid[] (TeamGameData) | List of other teams which this team is friendly to.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
InjuredReputationChangeID Guid (ChangeStrengthGameData) | Amount to change faction reputation when noticing an injury."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
MurderedReputationChangeID Guid (ChangeStrengthGameData) | Amount to change faction reputation when noticing a murder."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Teleport Attack
Name /type | Description /example |
SkipRaycast Boolean | MONSTER USE ONLY. Allows the teleport to go anywhere, even to unconnected nav."false" |
Retreating Boolean | If true, the AI will pick the teleport's destination to avoid the target instead of teleporting to it."false" |
Parameters for modifying weather temperature.
Name /type | Description /example |
TemperatureType String (TemperatureType) | Preset temperature (freezing to boiling, or custom)."Neutral" |
Temperature Single | Custom temperature (Celsius).0 |
Text Roll Settings
Name /type | Description /example |
TextRollString Int32 (string id, gui table) | 0 |
ParagraphTimings Float[] | [] |
ParagraphAudioNames String[] | [] |
StartAudioEvent String | "" |
CompleteAudioEvent String | "" |
Represents topics that affect companion relationships.
Name /type | Description /example |
Value Int32 | The multiplier value for this topic1 |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, companiontopics table) | The localizable display name of this topic (noun form).0 |
Icon String | The icon representing this topic."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
CircularIcon String | The icon representing this topic, in a circular token format."GUI/Icons/GameSystems/*. |
NegativeDescription Int32 (string id, companiontopics table) | Long string providing details about a companion who feels negatively about this topic. {0:Name} is replaced with the character's name.0 |
PositiveDescription Int32 (string id, companiontopics table) | Long string providing details about a companion who feels negatively about this topic. {0:Name} is replaced with the character's name.0 |
Used to weight how much a companion cares about a topic
Name /type | Description /example |
Value Int32 | Modifier value for how much relatioship will change for corresponding topic1 |
Global settings for the townie schedule manager.
Name /type | Description /example |
MinWaypointsToVisit Int32 | Minimum number of waypoints that a townie will visit before despawning.0 |
MaxWaypointsToVisit Int32 | Maximum number of waypoints that a townie will visit before despawning.0 |
MinHoursPassedRequiredToReset Single | How many hours that must pass while away from the scene before all schedules are regenerated.0 |
MinTimeBetweenDespawnAndSpawn Single | Minimum time after despawn that a townie will potentially spawn.0 |
MaxTimeBetweenDespawnAndSpawn Single | Maximum time after despawn that a townie will potentially spawn.0 |
MinTimeBetweenSpawns Single | Minimum time after spawn that another townie will potentially spawn.0 |
MaxTimeBetweenSpawns Single | Maximum time after spawn that another townie will potentially spawn.0 |
OccupiedMeetingPointBias Single | When selecting a waypoint, scale its weight by this extra bias if the waypoint is a meeting point and is currently occupied.1 |
ShortDistanceBias Single | When selecting a waypoint, scale its weight by this extra bias if the waypoint is short distance away (determined by ShortDistanceThreshold)1 |
MediumDistanceThreshold Single | How far away a waypoint needs to be to be considered a medium distance away.1 |
MediumDistanceBias Single | When selecting a waypoint, scale its weight by this extra bias if the waypoint is medium distance away (determined by MediumDistanceThreshold)1 |
LongDistanceThreshold Single | How far away a waypoint needs to be to be considered a long distance away.1 |
LongDistanceBias Single | When selecting a waypoint, scale its weight by this extra bias if the waypoint is long distance away (determined by LongDistanceThreshold)1 |
VeryLongDistanceThreshold Single | How far away a waypoint needs to be to be considered a very long distance away.1 |
VeryLongDistanceBias Single | When selecting a waypoint, scale its weight by this extra bias if the waypoint is very long distance away (determined by VeryLongDistanceThreshold)1 |
Global settings for townie AI.
Name /type | Description /example |
WaypointSearchRadius Single | Radius to search for a waypoint to flee to.25 |
GuardSearchRadius Single | Radius to search for a guard to flee to.30 |
MinWaypointDistanceToCombat Single | Minimum distance from combat townie will flee to a waypoint.9 |
MinGuardDistanceFromCombat Single | Minimum distance from combat townie will flee to a guard.9 |
MinFleeAngle Single | Minimum angle the townie will flee from combat at (180 degrees is directly away from combat)90 |
MinFleeAngleBackup Single | Minimum angle the townie will flee from combat at if there are no options that meet the original angle requirement (180 degrees is directly away from combat)60 |
RequestHelpFrequency Single | How often (in seconds) townie shouts for help as he flees.1 |
CowerRequestHelpImmediately Boolean | Whether townie will shout for help whenever he begins to cower."false" |
WaypointRequestHelpImmediately Boolean | Whether townie will shout for help whenever he begins to flee to a waypoint."false" |
WaypointRequestHelpIntermittently Boolean | Whether townie will shout for help intermittently while he flees to a waypoint."false" |
WaypointRequestHelpOnArrival Boolean | Whether townie will shout for help when he arrives at the flee waypoint."false" |
GuardRequestHelpImmediately Boolean | Whether townie will shout for help whenever he begins to flee to a guard."true" |
GuardRequestHelpIntermittently Boolean | Whether townie will shout for help intermittently while he flees to a guard."true" |
GuardRequestHelpOnArrival Boolean | Whether townie will shout for help when he arrives at the guard."true" |
RandomCowerProbability Single | If townie is set to randomly choose a reaction, probability that townie will choose to cower.0.4 |
RandomFleeToWaypointProbability Single | If townie is set to randomly choose a reaction, probability that townie will choose to flee to a waypoint.0.4 |
RandomFleeToGuardProbability Single | If townie is set to randomly choose a reaction, probability that townie will choose to flee to a guard.0.2 |
MaxCowerDistanceToConsiderFleeing Single | Distance at which townie considers fleeing from party member.6 |
MinCowerDistanceToBeAbleToFlee Single | Distance at which townie cannot flee from party member since they are so close.3 |
MinCowerTime Single | Time townie waits to flee from party member if they get too close.1.3 |
CowerInCombatDuration Single | How long the townie should be considered "In-Combat" while cowering.0 |
Transition OVS Effect
Name /type | Description /example |
StateNameID Guid (VisualStateNameGameData) | The OVS state name to transition to."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Audio event list for trap objects
Name /type | Description /example |
TriggeredAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when the trap is triggered |
DisarmedAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when the trap is disarmed |
DisarmFailAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when a character fails to disarm the trap. |
Triggered Immunity Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
EnduranceTrigger Single | "Ability triggers when owner loses at least this ratio of his endurance (0-1)."0.1 |
Tutorial Component
Name /type | Description /example |
Title Int32 (string id, tutorial table) | Title to display on the tutorial box0 |
Display TutorialDisplay[] | Text and image to display[] |
Triggers TutorialTrigger[] | Trigger events that will trigger this tutorial popup[] |
Conditionals ConditionalOnly | Conditionals to evaluate when trying to display this tutorial. |
FollowedByID Guid (TutorialGameData) | The tutorial that should succeed this one"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Soft Boolean | If set, this tutorial will not show as long as other tutorials are showing"false" |
ShowEvenIfDisabled Boolean | If set, this tutorial will show even if tutorials are turned off."false" |
Category String (TutorialCategoryEnum) | Category of this tutorial, to be broken up in the Journal."None" |
IgnoreAntiSpamTimer Boolean | If this is checked, the tutorial anti-spam timer will be ignored when this tutorial is triggered."false" |
Tutorial Settings
Name /type | Description /example |
MinimumTimeBetweenTutorials Single | This is the amount of time that must pass before we can display a tutorial notification after a previous one was shown. If a tutortial is triggered by a script call, this timer will be ignored.15 |
TutorialNotificationDisplayDelay Single | How long to delay displaying the tutorial notification after we get a signal from the engine or via script. This should not be lower than 1 second.1 |
TimeUntilAutoHideTutorialNotification Single | How much time is allowed to pass before the tutorial notification will auto slide off the screen.10 |
General audio data for UI.
Name /type | Description /example |
UISoundBank String (Wwise audio bank) | Sound bank which contains all UI sounds. |
UIAudioEventList UIAudioItem[] | Audio event for every UI audio event type.[] |
StealthUIAudioEventList StealthUIAudioItem[] | Audio event for every stealth UI audio event type.[] |
QuestUIAudioEventList QuestUIAudioItem[] | Audio event for every quest UI audio event type.[] |
CraftingUIAudioEventList CraftingUIAudioItem[] | Audio event for every crafting UI audio event type.[] |
StrongholdUIAudioEventList StrongholdAudioItem[] | Audio event for every stronghold audio event type.[] |
WindowAudioEventLists WindowAudioItem[] | Audio event list for every UI window.[] |
MainMenuAudioEventList MainMenuAudioEventListStructure | Audio related to main menu. |
ScriptedInteractionAudioEventList ScriptedInteractionAudioEventListStructure | Audio related to scripted interactions. |
WorldMapAudioEventList WorldMapAudioEventListStructure | Audio related to world map. |
MovieAudioEventList MovieAudioEventListStructure | Audio related to movies. |
Audio event list for usable objects
Name /type | Description /example |
UsedAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when the usable is used |
UnloadBankDelay Single | Whenever the usable is unloaded due to a scene transition, wait this duration before unloading its sound bank (to let audio events finish playing without getting cut off). This parameter only applies to SceneTransition usables.2.5 |
Holds data on a vendor (store or inn) in the game.
Name /type | Description /example |
VendorName Int32 (string id, interactables table) | The display name of the vendor.0 |
StoreIconPath String | Path to the icon or emblem texture for the store (expected dimensions are 74x74)."GUI/InnIcons/*. |
PortraitPath String | Path to the NPC portrait for the store."GUI/Portraits/*. |
StartingFactionID Guid (FactionGameData) | The starting faction this vendor belongs to. Automatically applies a discount based on reputation."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
ConditionalRates ConditionalizedVendorRates[] | The first condition in this list that is met will be used. If none are met, rates are calculated based on reputation with the vendor's current Faction.[] |
LockedDescriptionString Int32 (string id, items table) | String to display on "mouse over" when the item is locked (but still visible).0 |
Defines price rates used by a vendor.
Name /type | Description /example |
SellMultiplier Single | Multiplier applied to the cost of goods the store sells.1.5 |
BuyMultiplier Single | Multiplier applied to the value of goods the store buys from the player.0.2 |
InnMultiplier Single | Multiplier applied to the cost of rooms the inn provides.1 |
Vengeful Defeat Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
AOERadius Single | The radius of the attack.2 |
Audio events related to a visual effect.
Name /type | Description /example |
ActivateAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Audio event fired when the visual effect is activated.[] |
ActiveAudioEvents LoopingSoundEvent[] | Audio event that plays while the visual effect is active.[] |
DeactivateAudioEvents DelayedSoundEvent[] | Audio event fired when the visual effect is deactivated.[] |
OverrideDuration Boolean | Mark as true to use the below duration before calling audio deactivate on the visual effect."false" |
Duration Single | Duration before deactivate audio is called. This should only be used for one-off visual effects. The duration must be less than the visual effects overall duration. This is only used if Override Duration is marked as true.0 |
Settings to change on a visual effect when used on an appearance.
Name /type | Description /example |
EmissionRatio Single | The ratio to change the emission rate by1 |
BoxSize Vector3 | The size of the box when changing shapes."" |
General audio data for visual effects.
Name /type | Description /example |
SharedVisualEffectSoundBank String (Wwise audio bank) | Sound bank with visual effect sounds that are used repeatedly (always loaded). |
Animation data for visual states.
Name /type | Description /example |
Trigger String | The animation parameter to trigger."" |
InitialTrigger String | (Optional) The animation parameter to trigger if the object is initialzing to this animation."" |
Names for visual states.
Name /type | Description /example |
InitializeConditions ConditionalOnly | If set, the OVS will evaluate these conditionals to determine if it should initialize to this state when enabled. This will override settings in editor and persistent data. |
Wait Interruption
Name /type | Description /example |
InterruptAtHour Single | The hour of the day at which this interruption will occur.0 |
Prerequisites ConditionalOnly | This interruption will not be used unless the conditional passes. |
Script ScriptsOnly | This script will be run immediately if this interruption is triggered. |
Ability that casts attack with equipped weapons.
Name /type | Description /example |
Type String (AbilityWeaponType) | Which weapon slots to use for the attack."Primary" |
Range String (AttackRangeCategory) | Only use attacks that fit the selected range."None" |
AttackVariationID Guid (AttackVariationGameData) | Override the attack variation for the weapon attack."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
RecoveryTimeID Guid (RecoveryTimeGameData) | Override the recovery time for the weapon attack."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
BonusDamageMultiplier Single | Multiplies minimum and maximum damage on the weapon attack.1 |
BonusAccuracy Single | Adds accuracy bonus on performed weapon attack0 |
BonusPenetration Single | Adds penetration bonus on performed weapon attack0 |
BonusPushDistance Single | Additional distance to push the target on weapon attack.0 |
DefendedBy String (DefenseType) | Defense type override for attacks. The default type Count acts as if no override is selected."Count" |
AfflictionsDefendedBy String (DefenseType) | Affliction defense type override for attacks. The default type Count acts as if no override is selected."Count" |
InterruptsOn String (HitType) | Attacks of this hit type will interrupt."None" |
InterruptType String (HitReactType) | The type of interrupt/hit react to play."Normal" |
ApplyEffectsToPrimaryOnly Boolean | If set, status effects will only be applied to the primary target of the weapon attack (if there is one)."false" |
AttackKeywordsIDs Guid[] (KeywordGameData) | Additional keywords to be applied to this attack["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
AttackStatusEffectsIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | Additional status effects to be applied by this attack.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
AttackVisualEffects AttackBaseVisualEffect[] | Special visual effects to play with the attack.[] |
IsMultiHit Boolean | Enables the Is Multi Hit property on the weapon attack if it is a ranged attack."false" |
ProjectilePrefab String | Overrides the projectile property of the weapon attack if it is a ranged attack."Prefabs/Projectiles/*. |
ProjectileCount Int32 | If greater than 0, will override the weapon's projectile count for this attack.0 |
Audio data for every weapon type.
Name /type | Description /example |
SharedWeaponSoundBank String (Wwise audio bank) | Sound bank with weapon sounds that are used repeatedly (always loaded). |
WeaponAudioEventLists WeaponAudioEventListStructure[] | Weapon audio event list for every weapon type.[] |
ShieldAudioEventLists ShieldAudioItem[] | Shield audio event list for every shield type.[] |
StackHitAudioEvents Boolean | If true, hit and ineffective hit audio events will be stacked together whenever a hit is effective or critical."false" |
EquipDelayMinimum Single | Minimum delay (seconds) between equipping primary weapon audio and equipping secondary weapon audio.0 |
EquipDelayMaximum Single | Maximum delay (seconds) between equipping primary weapon audio and equipping secondary weapon audio.0 |
Audio event list for specific weapon type.
Name /type | Description /example |
HitAudioEventList WeaponAudioEventStructure[] | Audio event to play when attack is a hit (per armor basis).[] |
CriticalHitAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when attack is a critical hit (plays in addition to Hit Audio Event). |
MissAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when attack is missed (no visual feedback). |
ParryAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when attack is parried. |
SwitchAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when weapon is switched to (via weapon sets). |
EquipAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when weapon is equipped (unholstered). |
HolsterAudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event to play when weapon is holstered. |
ActivateAudioEvent DelayedSoundEvent | Audio cue to play when the weapon is activated or used. |
ProjectileActiveAudioEvent LoopingSoundEvent | Looping sound that plays when a projectile created by the weapon is flying through the air. |
ApplyToSingleProjectile Boolean | Whether the audio should play on only a single spawned projectile or all spawned projectiles."true" |
Allows items to be used as weapons.
Name /type | Description /example |
Stance String (Stance) | The animation stance to use when this weapon is equipped."OneHanded" |
AnimationStanceID Guid (AnimationStanceGameData) | The stance parameter value used for animations while this weapon is equipped."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
StatusEffectsOnLaunchIDs Guid[] (StatusEffectGameData) | These status effects will be applied to the owner when the attached attack is launched.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
IsDisplayedWhenAlternate Boolean | If true, the item will be displayed as an attachment on the character when in the secondary weapon slot."true" |
IsUniversalType Boolean | If set, any WeaponFocus and WeaponSpecialization can apply to this weapon, regardless of the Weapon Type."false" |
AttackID Guid (AttackBaseGameData) | The attack to issue when using this weapon."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
NoiseLevelID Guid (NoiseLevelGameData) | How much noise is generated when the weapon attacks."15743f94-1026-40b0-8e13-a667b3f66f63" |
ForceBackScabbard Boolean | If set, this weapon will always be scabbarded on the back."false" |
ScabbardAppearancePiece AppearancePiece | Render settings for displaying the scabbard |
ScabbardRendererPrefab String | The prefab to instantiate if the item has a scabbard that should be rendered as a model on a character."prefabs/itemrenderers/*. |
ScabbardModel String | The .fbx model associated with the scabbard ."art/character/weapons/*. |
AudioEventListID Guid (WeaponAudioEventListGameData) | Audio event list (if blank, default audio will be played based on weapon type)."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Weapon Focus Ability Component
Name /type | Description /example |
SpecializationCategory String (WeaponSpecializationCatagory) |
Broad categories or classes of weapons (e.g. swords, knives, bows, firearms, etc)
Name /type | Description /example |
WeaponTypesIDs Guid[] (WeaponTypeGameData) | A collection of weapon types that belong to this metatype.["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, gui table) | The name of the broad type of weapons (e.g. Bows, Firearms, etc)0 |
Ability to give groupings of weapon specialization from a weapon category
Name /type | Description /example |
SpecializationCategory String (WeaponSpecializationCatagory) | Grants the owner the specified Bonus Damage when attacking with a weapon that is in the specified category."Adventurer" |
BonusDamageMult Single | Grants the owner the specified Bonus Damage when attacking with a weapon that is in the specified category.0 |
Weapon Specialization Data
Name /type | Description /example |
AdventurerWeaponTypes WeaponTypeStructure[] | [] |
KnightWeaponTypes WeaponTypeStructure[] | [] |
NobleWeaponTypes WeaponTypeStructure[] | [] |
PeasantWeaponTypes WeaponTypeStructure[] | [] |
RuffianWeaponTypes WeaponTypeStructure[] | [] |
SoldierWeaponTypes WeaponTypeStructure[] | [] |
Weapon Type Component
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, items table) | The localized display name of this weapon type.0 |
ArchetypeID Guid (EquippableGameData) | The standard instance of this weapon type."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Type String (WeaponType) | The enum corresponding to this weapon type. |
Gives a bonus to a specific weapon type.
Name /type | Description /example |
WeaponType WeaponTypeStructure[] | Type of weapon you are specializing in.[] |
DisallowUniversal Boolean | If set, Universal weapons do not automatically qualify for this bonus."false" |
BonusAccuracyStatusEffectID Guid (StatusEffectGameData) | Status effect that applies the accuracy bonus for weapons of this type. Should be one hit use."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
Weather audio information for a scene.
Name /type | Description /example |
RainSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of rain. |
HailSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of hail. |
SnowSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of snow. |
DepthFogSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of depth fog. |
VolumeFogSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of volume fog. |
DustSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of dust. |
AshSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of ash. |
WindSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of wind. |
LightningStrikeSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of on-screen lightning strike. |
PrimaryLightningFlashSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of off-screen primary lightning flash (first in cluster of flashes). |
SecondaryLightningFlashSoundEvent String (Wwise event) | Sound of off-screen primary lightning flash (secondary in cluster of flashes). |
General audio data for weather.
Name /type | Description /example |
LightningAudioDelays LightningAudioDelayItem[] | Audio delays associated with various lightning distances.[] |
Set of potential weather patterns.
Name /type | Description /example |
WeatherPatterns RandomWeatherPattern[] | Set of potential weather patterns.[] |
Collection of potential weather conditions.
Name /type | Description /example |
WeatherPattern WeatherPattern | Collection of potential weather conditions. |
Weather settings including transition rates and general weather properties.
Name /type | Description /example |
WindSettings WindSettingsStruct | Wind general settings. |
CloudinessSettings CloudinessSettingsStruct | Cloudiness general settings. |
PrecipitationSettings PrecipitationSettingsStruct | Precipitation general settings. |
AirConditionsSettings AirConditionsSettingsStruct | Air conditions general settings. |
LightningSettings LightningSettingsStruct | Lightning general settings. |
TemperatureSettings TemperatureSettingsStruct | Temperature general settings. |
ColorLevelSettings ColorLevelSettingsStruct | Color level general settings. |
AnimationSettings WeatherAnimationSettings | Animation general settings. |
AISettings WeatherAISettings | General weather AI settings. |
Parameters for modifying weather wind.
Name /type | Description /example |
WindStrengthType String (WeatherStrengthType) | Strength of wind (breeze, wind, gale)."Inactive" |
WindDirectionType String (WindDirectionType) | Wind direction type (random, custom)."Custom" |
WindDirection Single | Wind direction (in degrees, 0 = north, 90 = east, 180 = south, 270 = west)90 |
WindStrength Single | Wind strength (on a scale of 0 to 1).0 |
WindTurbulence Single | Wind turbulence (on a scale of 0 to 1).0 |
Holds data on one world map scene.
Name /type | Description /example |
SceneName String | The name of the main scene for this world map."" |
TotalBounds RectData | The total size of this map. |
AreaMapStages WorldMapSizeStep[] | List of different stages this world map can be in on the area map.[] |
Data for one encounter on the World Map.
Name /type | Description /example |
PopUpTitle Int32 (string id, areanotifications table) | Title of the pop-up dialog that will show before starting the encounter.0 |
PopUpText Int32 (string id, areanotifications table) | Text of the pop-up dialog that will show before starting the encounter.0 |
MapIconName Int32 (string id, gui table) | Name to display along with the icon on the world map0 |
ScriptedInteractionID Guid (Conversation) | Path to a scripted interaction to play instead of directly loading the encounter map."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
EncounterConversationStartID Int32 | The node ID to start the conversation at when triggered by script while the encounter scene is active. Uses the same conversation file specified in Scripted Interaction. An ID of -1 will skip triggering the conversation.-1 |
PreEncounterScripts ConditionalAndScripts | Scripts fired before loading the encounter map. |
ValidityConditions ConditionalOnly | Conditions that must be met for this encounter to be considered. |
BiomeID Guid (EncounterBiomeGameData) | The biome to use to find a map to load."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
OverrideMapID Guid (MapGameData) | If this is set, the encounter will always spawn on this map."00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
CreatureSpawns WorldMapEncounterSpawn[] | Creatures to spawn[] |
ShipSpawnID Guid (ShipGameData) | Ship to spawn for random encounter ship"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
AudioEvent String (Wwise event) | Audio event fired whenever this encounter is triggered. |
OnceOnly Boolean | If set, this encounter will only occur once per game."false" |
EncounterLevel Int32 | Level of random encounter. Used in doling out experience to the crew and player for the encounter.1 |
EncounterType String (WorldMapEncounterType) | Type of encounter. Used in determining the amount of experience given to the player and crew for the encounter."Minor" |
SailorTalesReward Int32 | The number of sailor tales that will be granted to each crewmember when this encounter is completed.0 |
IsHostile Boolean | Set to true if this encounter is by default hostile to the player."false" |
IsCritPath Boolean | Determines whether creatures in the encounter level scale with crit path scaling values."false" |
ScriptedMusicForSI String | Music to be played during the SI. If blank, the world map music will be played. This will be pushed and popped using the scripted music system."" |
CombatEndsWhenAllAreDead Boolean | If set, all enemies spawned with RandomEncounterSpawner components must die for combat to end."false" |
Base component for world map locations.
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, maps table) | Display name for the location.0 |
StartingVisibility String (MapVisibilityType) | The initial visibility of the scene on the world map."Hidden" |
Optional component for an item that has a passive effect on the world map.
Name /type | Description /example |
SpyglassRange Single | Allows identification of land icons from sea at this range.7 |
SeaFogRangeBonus Single | Bonus added to the fog-of-war reveal range while at sea.0 |
Settings related to the world map
Name /type | Description /example |
BaseSailSpeed Single | Movement speed when sailing on the world map. The units for this number are 'unity units per game hour'.10 |
BaseWalkSpeed Single | Movement speed when sailing on the world map. The units for this number are 'unity units per game hour'.1 |
ShallowWaterSpeedMultiplier Single | Multiplier applied to ship movement speed in shallow water.1 |
GameSecondsPerRealSecond Single | The number of game seconds that should advance for each real second of movement on the world map.0 |
CoordinatesBottomLeft Vector2 | The minimum coordinates of the world map (i.e. the coordinates of the bottom-left corner)."00" |
CoordinatesTopRight Vector2 | The maximum coordinates of the world map (i.e. the coordinates of the top-right corner)."00" |
PlayerFogRevealRadius WorldMapTransitModeValues | The radius around the player to reveal the fog. |
PlayerAtLocationFogRevealRadius Single | The player's base fog reveal radius when inside a location.0 |
RevealedLocationFogRevealRadius Single | The radius to reveal fog around a revealed location on the world map.0 |
DiscoveryRadius WorldMapTransitModeValues | The radius in which the player will discover hidden icons. |
IdentifyRadius WorldMapTransitModeValues | The radius in which the player will identify unknown icons. |
Global component holding game clock/calendar configuration.
Name /type | Description /example |
GameToRealTimeRatio Single | The number of game time units that will elapse for each real time unit (at normal speed).24 |
StartTime GameDateTime | The world time when the game starts. |
DaytimeStartHour Int32 | The hour of the day at which "daytime" starts.6 |
NighttimeStartHour Int32 | The hour of the day at which "nighttime" starts.20 |
YearSuffix Int32 (string id, gui table) | Text suffixed to a year number.0 |
MonthTransitionNames FictionalLanguageText[] | List of names of the transitional months.[] |
NormalMonthNames FictionalLanguageText[] | List of names of the normal months.[] |
DayNames FictionalLanguageText[] | The names of the days of the week.[] |
TimesOfDay TimeOfDayStructure[] | Defines names for vague times of the day.[] |
Wounds Trait Ability
Name /type | Description /example |
WoundDamageConversionPercent Int32 | The % of incoming damage that is counted towards gaining a wound20 |
OutgoingWoundDamageConversionPercent Int32 | The % of outgoing melee damage that is counted towards gaining a wound0 |
WoundNumberMax Int32 | Maximum number of wounds on a monk.10 |
WoundThreshold Int32 | How much health needs to be accumulated per wound.10 |
Zone Component
Name /type | Description /example |
DisplayName Int32 (string id, maps table) | 0 |
ZoneMapID Guid (MapGameData) | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
MapsInZoneIDs Guid[] (MapGameData) | ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] |